File Streams 03/04/11
Stream as Connection to I/O
Example of Creating a Stream Program that outputs a quote to a file writefile.cpp
To Connect Stream to File Header File #include Declare stream & open file ifstream fs_in(“mydata”, ios::in); ofstream fs_out(“myout”, ios::out);
To Connect Stream to File 3. Input/Output fs_in >> x; fs_out \n”; 4. Close fs_in.close( ); fs_out.close( );
Example of Input Write a program to input a list of positive numbers from a file, then output the sum. –Create stream and connect to file. –Input number from input stream –While number not negative – Add number to sum – Input number from input stream –Output sum –Close stream streams4.2/sum.cpp
Another Problem Start Here Write a program to input a file of five temperatures in degrees Celsius. Convert the temperatures to Fahrenheit and output them to another file. Use a function to do the conversion. What would the algorithm be? Let's write the program.(f = 9/5c + 32) celsius.txt
Sentinel Data in a File Value that is not part of the data marks the end of a list. I am going to use '*' as a sentinal to mark the end of data in some character input in the next example.
Caesar Cipher Using the Caesar Shift (2 to the right), the message. "RETURN TO ROME" would be encrypted as, "TGVWTP VQ TQOG" Essentially, add +2 to the ascii value of a character. To decode shift it back by -2
Caesar Cipher When using cin with characters, spaces are skipped. cin.get() inputs the spaces, too.
Caesar Cipher Write a program that inputs a message from the keyboard and saves the coded version in a file called code.txt Stop input when the sentinel, '*', is found. cipher2.cpp uses a cin.get() so that spaces won't be skipped.
Exercise p. 122, #2 Read sec. 7.3 for Friday.