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The New Jersey Meadowlands Commission (NJMC) is a regional planning and development agency with authority encompassing a 32-square- mile area in the urban setting of northern New Jersey. The broad powers of NJMC not only include the enforcement of zoning and building codes master planning, redevelopment, and solid waste management
Over the years work done by NJMC grew, increasing the level of work necessary to maintain tracking and reporting The data tracking capabilities were narrow and not compatible with other software programs. Information could only be updated between systems by manual data entry and time-consuming batch. The result was setbacks in communication and reporting and lengthy delays in approvals and reviews & work flow was often hampered & lost in the shuffle.
But a solution was already right at hand. A wide range of spatial data had already been created by the GIS Department using Arc View, and viewed through ArcExplorer. NJMC only needed a way to make these maps so that staff could share them and interact with them. NJMC recognized that Municipal Software Corporation‘s city view Enterprise was the solution. So they implemented the software in the fall of 2001 to automate zoning, land use, and construction permits in the first phase.
NJMC staffs are now able to quickly and efficiently monitor and extract statistics of the ongoing changes in the NJMC District NJMC now have centralized all our data in a single database. Work flow is improved, there is a reduction in paperwork, reporting is greatly improved, and data is updated for all departments on a real-time basis. Staff can now link directly to existing spatial data that allows them to easily add, remove, and edit layouts of preset GIS maps.
The critical GIS coverage that are used on City View Enterprise software's MapObjects component are parcel, hydrology, roads, contours, land use, zoning, transportation, wetlands, and planimetric (buildings). The GIS Department is constantly producing maps to serve NJMC. NJMC has also worked in collaboration with Rutgers University's Center in using ArcIMS to develop the Digital Meadowlands, an environmental information system that contains interactive maps about the Meadowlands.