European Livestock Policy Evaluation Network (ELPEN) Erling Andersen Danish Centre for Forest, Landscape and Planning Frans Godeschalk The Agricultural Economics Research Institute (LEI) Brussels
ELPEN Overall objective To build a decision support system for spatially explicit assessments of environmental, economic and social impacts of European livestock policy.
The ELPEN approach Livestock systems Agricultural statistical data Farm level information Contextual information Economic modelling
Step 1: Agricultural sectors
Step 2: Grazing livestock sectors
Step 3: Grazing livestock systems A. Land use
Step 3: Grazing livestock systems B. Intensity
Step 3: Grazing livestock systems C. Size
Location of systems Low input grassland systems High input grassland systems
Example of application: Two scenarios for area payments All direct support substituted by: 1. UAA premium - a unionwide homogeneous area payment on the total farmed area 2. Grassland premium - a unionwide homogeneous area payment on permanent and rough grassland
Example of application: Area payments
Example of application: Area payments Permanent grassland systems 58 ha 58 GLU 84% Permanent and rough grass FFI: Ecu 33% older than 65 78% of UAA in LFA
Example of application: Area payments Permanent grassland systems
Example of application: Area payments Intensity
Example of application: Area payments Size
Variables used in the typology
Grazing days outside UAA Source: FADN-CCE-DG Agriculture/A-3; adaptation LEI.
Grassland data Percentage temporary grass of total grassland
Cost of inputs Source: DGagri web Price index = average for all the mentioned member states
Conclusions 1 Based on the expert knowledge and FADN data we have build a typology of grazing livestock systems The livestock systems have different environmental profiles enabling policy assessment More detailed information on farming practices and location is needed - reference farms and GIS-analysis
Conclusions 2 We need to check the quality of the variables used to build the typology This meeting Questionnarie