Two main requirements: 1. Implementation Inspection policies (scheduling algorithms) that will extand the current AutoSched software : Taking to account two new concepts that aren’t implemented at all in the current system: 1. metrology machines 2. yield System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram Tables Description User Interface Algorithms Open questions And Challenges Task List
2. Simulation running environment: Develop a user-friendly and intuitive environment for running experiments where a reasercher can easily: 1. Saving and loading simulation variables and results. 2. Analyzing simulation results – making graphs, tables, etc… 3. Running the simulations from our application instead of AutoSched. System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram Tables Description User Interface Algorithms Open questions And Challenges Task List
System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram Tables Description User Interface Algorithms Open questions And Challenges Task List Research environment MySql server database AutoSched Autosched plugin …. Algo implementati on n Event handler Algo implementati on1 Experiment editing Experiment running Experiment results analysis Experiment Handler Autosched Handler Experiment results analyser 1. Research environment Application handlers GUI 2. AutoSched IP implementer
Our system is build from 4 main parts: 1. Research environment 2. AutoSched IP Implementer 3. The AutoSched System 4. SQL DataBase System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram Tables Description User Interface Algorithms Open questions And Challenges Task List
1. Research environment This part is responsible for efficiently organizing, saving,and analyzing the data from the different experiments. It is build from two main parts: 1. The GUI 2. The Application handlers System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram Tables Description User Interface Algorithms Open questions And Challenges Task List
1. Research environment 1.1 The GUI: The GUI is responsible for getting input from the user and presenting the output back to the user. It can be divided to 3 major parts: a. Experiment editing: a.1 navigating inside an experiment environment, a.2 importing experiments a.3 adding new experiments. b. Experiment running: This part Includes windows and frames for running an experiment. c. Experiment results analysis: c.1 choosing analysis options, attributes c.2 windows that shows the analysis results (graphs, tables, etc…). System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram Tables Description User Interface Algorithms Open questions And Challenges Task List
1. Research environment 1.2 The Application handlers: The application handlers are responsible for the correct flow of the program. It includes the following parts: a. Experiment handler: Responsible for loading/saving/importing experiments, creating new experiments, etc… It works with an outer MySQL server to save the data and do various types of queries. b. AutoSched handler: Responsible for running AutoSched. It includes making a temp excel input file for the excel and sending command for the AutoSched to run. c. Experiments results analyzer: Getting results data from the experiment handler and running analysis of various kinds on the data - Prepare a user friendly analysis report System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram User Interface Algorithms Open questions And Challenges Task List
2. AutoSched IP Implementer The AutoSched IP Implementer is responsible for calculating an AP problem answer according to the chosen Inspection Policy (IP). It is divided into a couple of parts: 2.1 Event handler: This part is waiting for the AutoSched to generate a real time event (it's a listener), propagates the event to the relevant component and sends back the AP answer to the AutoSched. 2.2 Algorithm implementation: This part actually solves the AP problem given by the AutoSched according to a certain inspection policy. We are going to implement several components like this, but the system will be modular enough for writing additional inspection policy implementation components in the future. System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram User Interface Algorithms Open questions And Challenges Task List
3. AutoSched This is a 3 rd party program designed to simulate a semi conductor FAB. Much of the challenges in this project is related to achieving the goals of the researchers by using wisely and even overcoming the restrictions this software impels. System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram User Interface Algorithms Open questions And Challenges Task List
4. SQL DataBase Where we will keep all of the data about experiments input, results, experiment environments and User data. We have decided to transform the data from the Excel file the AutoSched outputs, in order that it would be easier for the researchers to analyze the data from different experiments (By using SQL- queries) System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram User Interface Algorithms Open questions And Challenges Task List
1.1 The presentation layer: System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram User Interface Algorithms Open questions And Challenges Task List
1.2 The application layer: System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram User Interface Algorithms Open questions And Challenges Task List
1.3 The Domain layer: System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram User Interface Algorithms Open questions And Challenges Task List
1.4 persistence layer System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram User Interface Algorithms Open questions And Challenges Task List
System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram User Interface Algorithms Open questions And Challenges Task List
1. The User Interface concept is based on frames (resembles tabs in an internet browser). 2. There is a frame for each functionality of the system, and several frames can be opened symultancely (Except for the the one running the experimnets – because of the limitation of the AutoSched) System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram User Interface Algorithms Open questions And Challenges Task List
1. The Main Menu: System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram User Interface Algorithms Open questions And Challenges Task List
2. Opening an Environment: System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram User Interface Algorithms Open questions And Challenges Task List
3. Running Experiments System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram User Interface Algorithms Open questions And Challenges Task List
4. Running in progress System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram User Interface Algorithms Open questions And Challenges Task List
The researchers we are working with are developing and testing about 10 Inspection policies. For example: ME&A (Metrology Empty & Alpha) If Metrology tool is Empty AND If Alpha is greater than x, send lot to inspection Policy was run with parameter 0.25 ≤ x ≤ 1, where: "1" requires to always send if metrology empty (identical to MLT with 0) "0.85", "0.7", "0.55", "0.4", "0.25" requires to send if random Alpha (0<α<1) is greater than 0.85, 0.7, 0.55, 0.4, 0.25 and metrology empty System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram User Interface Algorithms Open questions And Challenges Task List
The inspetion policies are tested and checked in order to find the best one: System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram User Interface Algorithms Open questions And Challenges Task List
The Inspection policies are tested on this model, called the“cell” model: System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram User Interface Algorithms Open questions And Challenges Task List
1. adjusting the given scheduling from the “cell” model to the AutoSched model 2. Integrating with the AutoSched system. System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram User Interface Algorithms Open questions And Challenges Task List
3. Make the system as modular as possible: 3.1 To enable data collection according to two aspects: 1. by operations – “lot 5 has finished the 7 th stage in the route”, we aren’t interested in the specific machine 2. By tools – “lot 5 finished the 7 th Stage in machine x and goes to machine y” 3.2 Enabling different Inspection policies to different parts of the line 4. Make the Research environment as easy and intuitive to users as possible. System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram User Interface Algorithms Open questions And Challenges Task List
1. 31/3 – present the prototype The prototype will include: a. a relatively simple inspection policy b. a GUI suitable for the implemented inspection policy. c. capability for calculating yield according to outputs (“after-yield”) /4 – on-line yield calculation This means that the yield calculation will be modeled as part as the system (Hence: calculated “on-line”) 3. 13/5 – adding more complex Inspection Policies Adding inspection policies that needs more data from the AutoSched system and more adaptations in relate to the theoretical “Cell” model. System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram User Interface Algorithms Open questions And Challenges Task List
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