Legal Informatics Fernando Galindo Philosophy of Law University of Zaragoza Lapland University Rovaniemi March
Legal Informatics z¿What is it? zAn example: researches, developments and institutions zTeaching zEULISP Diplom zSubjects zConclusion
¿What is it? zReflexive study on legal activities, practiced in a global and technified world (Council of Europe 1992) zJurimetrics/Legal Informatics/Informática Jurídica (Santo Domingo 1984) zComputers and Law/Computer’s Law (Guatemala/Zaragoza 1989) zLaw and Computers (1998) zLegal Informatics (1998 EULISP)
An example: researches, developments and institutions zINEM ( ): help to the decision zAEQUITAS ( ): European Directive and Spanish Law zFESTE (from 1997): Notaries and telecommunications zAEQUITAS PROCURADORES (from 1998): telematic transmission of judicial notifications zEMERITUS (from 1999): industry and lawyers zAPTICE (from 3oth March 2000): AGACE zNext: Registers (property and commercial)
Teaching zEULISP Diplom (from 1998).- Diplom of specialization in Legal Informatics (from Zaragoza) zERASMUS Programme (from 1993) zCDA-EULISP-ERASMUS (from 1999) zComputers and Law (from 1993) zManagement and Public Administation zEthics and Legislation for Engineers (from 1997) zPolytechnic Center
EULISP Diplom Diplom from Zaragoza (case) zUniversities : Belfast (Queen’s University, North- Ireland), Bologna (Italy), Stochkolm (Sweden), Hannover (Germany), Linz (Austria), London (United Kingdom), Leuven (Belgium), Münster (Germany), Namur (Belgium), Oslo (Norway), Rotterdam (Nederland), Rovaniemi (Finnland), Tesalónica (Greece), Tübingen (Germany), Wien (Austria), Vilnius (Lituania) and Zaragoza (Spain) zFirst the legal example, next another professions
Subjects zPostgraduated course: complementary and modernized formation z60 ECTS Credits. One year in two semesters z6 subjects (24 hours), Seminar, Proyect, Summer Course, Final Examen zCompulsory Subjects: Data protection, Intelectual Property, Electronic Signature, Programmes for Lawyers, Security Measures
Data protection xFrom privacy to data protection xPrinciples on the regulation on data protection xInstitutions: Registers and Agencies xProcedures of inscription and inspection xPractice Codes
Intelectual property xBasic principles on the regulation of intelectual property xThe European Directive on protection of the computer programmes xThe regulation on data banks xThe “sui generis” rights xDomains and marks xThe best technical resources to secure the intelectual property in Internet xJurisdictional problems
Electronic signature xCryptographic techniques xSecurity and guarantee architectures of the electronic communications xInstitutional requirements xLaws, politics and techniques xModels
Security measures xThe needs of the user of computer’s programmes xThe user’s agreement xFunctional specifications of the programme xRequirements for the construction of the programme xValidity of the programme xExploitation of the programme
Programmes for Lawyers xAccess to legal texts xProgrammes to access to legal texts xLegal Interpetation xProgrammes to help the legal interpretation xApplication of the Law xProgrammes to help the legal application xLegal Dogmatics xProgrammes to help the legal Dogmatics
Conclusion zReflexive study on legal activities, practiced in a global and technified world zJust activity of lawyers in relation with legal texts zPhilosophy of Law, for example