COMMUNICATION SKILLS KIN 331 – Peak Performance Prof. Kim Albert Lum LaRon Mitchell Larissa Ugto
ICE BREAKER!!! Gather in groups of 3- 4 people Gather in groups of 3- 4 people Each person take 1 minute to share their Spring Break highlights. Each person take 1 minute to share their Spring Break highlights.
Objectives… Basics of communication Basics of communication Importance of communication Importance of communication Non-verbal communication Non-verbal communication Listening skills Listening skills Cultural barriers Cultural barriers Skit activity Skit activity Tips to improve communication Tips to improve communication
What is COMMUNICATION? “the interchange of thoughts, opinions or information through speech, writing or signs” “the interchange of thoughts, opinions or information through speech, writing or signs”(dictionary)
Importance of Communication Classroom Classroom Work Work Relationships Relationships Social skills Social skills Athletics Athletics
★ Six Elements of the Communication Process 1. Decide you want to share what you want, value, or feel with someone. 2. Translate the thought to be communicated to a message. 3. Sending the message: word articulation. 4. Channeling the message: speaking through words & production of sound waves. 5. Receiver acquires message and interprets/decodes 6. Receiver internally deliberates the response—Happy? Angry? Etc..
Paralanguage Pitch Pitch -highness/lowness of a sound Resonance Resonance -richness/thinness of your voice Articulation Articulation -”the adjustments and movements of speech organs involved in pronouncing a particular sound, taken as a whole” Tempo Tempo -rate of movement; pattern Volume Volume-loudness/softness Rhythm Rhythm -uniformity; patterns
Listening A Vital Element in the Communication Process “We hear half of what is said (50%), we listen to half of that (25%), we understand have of that (12.5%), we believe half of that (6.25%) and we remember half of that (3.125%).”
Did you know that…. The impact of a message is divided as: 7% Verbal (words) 38% Paralanguage 55% Body Language
Non-Verbal Communication Physical appearance Physical appearance Posture Posture Gestures Gestures Touching Touching Facial expressions Facial expressions Sign language Sign language
Zones of Space: How Close Is TOO Close 4. Public Zone -20’ or more -teaching a class 3. Social Zone -4’-12’ -business gatherings/parties 2. Personal Zone -1½’ – 4’ -conversations with friends 1. Intimate Zone -0’’ – 18’’ -lovers/ very close friends
Activity I: Facial Expressions Holding a new born baby Holding a new born baby The loss of a close friend; death. The loss of a close friend; death. Watching a scary movie. Watching a scary movie. Watching Scary Movie. Watching Scary Movie. Winning the lottery. Winning the lottery. Group member does NOT show up on presentation day. Group member does NOT show up on presentation day.
Cultural Barriers In Communication Video clip Video clip
“Using Positive Language” by: Robert Bacal Homework II: Article Summary beneficial beneficial Reduces conflict Reduces conflict writer/speaker: credible, respectable writer/speaker: credible, respectable
Activity II: Skits 1. Student & teacher communication -What are better approaches for the student? -What are better approaches for the student? -Should the teacher be more aggressive in the future? 1. Athlete & coach communication -How could the athlete have handled this better? -How could the athlete have handled this better? -Was the coach right for benching his star player for the next game?
Improving Communication Skills Speaking Speaking -keep eye contact -be aware of body language -carefully choose words –Listening -listen with empathy -listen with openness -be mentally prepared to listen -practice on improving concentration -remind yourself not to judge speaker -listen with your eyes -observe body language -listen for main ideas -build vernacular/vocabulary -remove distractions when possible -be committed!
THE END! Questions? Comments? Concerns?