Camera Basics Level 1 Film Technology Canon XL-1.


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Presentation transcript:

Camera Basics Level 1 Film Technology Canon XL-1

Camera Basics Level 1 Film Technology Manual Vs Automatic Full Creative Control No ‘Searching’ on auto functions Creating Pretty Pictures

Camera Basics Level 1 Film Technology Colour Temperature and White Balance Light is not all the same colour The camera needs to be calibrated to tell it what colour white is under current conditions

Camera Basics Level 1 Film Technology Exposure: Aperture/Iris control Controls the amount of light entering the camera Underexposure results in grainy images Overexposure results in clipping and loss of detail

Camera Basics Level 1 Film Technology The aperture opening is measured in f- stops Higher numbers let in less light f/1.6 lets in more light than f/16

Camera Basics Level 1 Film Technology Shutter Speed Faster speeds capture sharper images, reducing motion blur But less light reaches the CCD The aperture may need to be opened to compensate

Camera Basics Level 1 Film Technology Focus Depth of Field Pull/Rack Focus Focal Length and angle of view

Camera Basics Level 1 Film Technology Depth Of Field –The area in front of and behind the subject that is in acceptable focus Lens is focused here Range of image in Acceptable focus

Camera Basics Level 1 Film Technology

Camera Basics Level 1 Film Technology

Camera Basics Level 1 Film Technology To increase DOF –Use a wide angle setting –A high f stop setting (closing the aperture) –Long shots To decrease DOF –Use telephoto setting –A low f stop setting (opening the aperture) –Close ups

Camera Basics Level 1 Film Technology Pull or Rack Focus –Changing the focal point from on subject to another to draw the viewers attention.

Camera Basics Level 1 Film Technology Focal Length and Angle of View –Using a telephoto setting will appear to compress the distance between objects –A wide angle setting will give a more natural representation of depth

Camera Basics Level 1 Film Technology Menu Controls Zebra patterns – displays overexposed areas of the image Aspect Ratio – 4:3(fullscreen), 16:9(widescreen)

Camera Basics Level 1 Film Technology Aspect Ratio –4:3 Is being replaced by 16:9 widescreen

Camera Basics Level 1 Film Technology

Camera Basics Level 1 Film Technology Focus RingZoom RingAperture/Iris Shutter White Balance Power Dial Set To ‘M’

Camera Basics Level 1 Film Technology Canon XL-1 Manual Help on technical report writing