No Change A charge moving perpendicular to field lines has no change in potential. A line that is always perpendicular to the field lines connects point of equal voltage. This is an equipotential line. qq E
Equipotential Lines Equipotentials occur in any field. Altitude for gravitational fieldAltitude for gravitational field
Spherical Shell The equipotential line for a point charge in a plane is a circle. The field lines go in 3- dimensions. The equipotential is actually a spherical surface.
Perpendicular Lines All field lines are perpendicular to the surface of a conductor. The surface of the conductor is an equipotential surface. The interior is also at the same potential. An equipotential volumeAn equipotential volume qq
Dipole Potential The field lines of a dipole can be used to find equipotential lines.
Electrocardiography The heart muscle produces electrical potential differences. Typically 1 mV at the skin At any time there are equipotential lines on the skin. The heart beat trace is the voltage at one point on the skin. next