Pre-shipping PMT screening at Chiba Chiba University Shigeru Yoshida for Kazuhiro “ Jee ” Fujimoto
Freezer Produced by Nihon Freezer Temp –32degree
PMT Setting into Freezer Base circuit Diffuser attached to UV LED
50nsec CAMAC Crate Controller Crate Controller ADC GP-IB Function Generator Function Generator NIM Amp (*10) Discriminator Gate Generator Scaler PCI Card CAMAC Interface CAMAC Interface GP-IB Interface GP-IB Interface Gate Generator LinuxPC TTL-NIM Converter TTL-NIM Converter Sync. UV LED PMT Freezer(-32 ℃ ) Gate Signal Setup
ADC Spectrum ( Low Gain) Without Amp With Amp
ADC Spectrum(High Gain) Without Amp With Amp
ADC Spectrum(Log Scale) Without Amp With Amp HV 2000V
Gain vs HV W/o Amp w/ Amp
Gain with Amplification calibrated
Crosscheck Without Amp With Amp
Comparison Light w/o amp Dark w/ amp
Gain Summary Gain at 2000V Our Criteria is 5×10 +7 with 2000 V. 11 out of 14 PMTs satisfied it.
8μsec CAMAC Crate Controller Crate Controller ADC GP-IB Function Generator Function Generator NIM Amp (*10) Discriminator Gate Generator Scaler PCI Card CAMAC Interface CAMAC Interface GP-IB Interface GP-IB Interface Gate Generator TTL-NIM Converter TTL-NIM Converter Sync. UV LED PMT Freezer(-32 ℃ ) Setup for the noise measurement
Gain vs Noise Rate NoiseRate[Hz] Gain PMT # SF0050
Gain vs Noise Rate NoiseRate[Hz] Gain HV is 2000V
Summary Gain, P/V and noise has been measured for the 14 tubes before shipping to UW/DESY/Stockholm No problems on noise and P/V has found Some low gain tunes needs amplification for single p.e. measurement with HV < 1700 V 3 tubes out of 14 has might-be-too-low gain of ~4x10 7 with 2000 V The excel table and ADC spectrum data can be downloaded from our website.