Baryon Spectroscopy and The Program at Jlab/CLAS The Advantages of * Experiments Complimentary to N* program For every N* and , there is a * Narrow width ( ( *) ~ 1/5 (N*/ )) Partial Wave Analysis far simpler Easy Identification: Missing Mass Invariant Mass (detached vertices) Isospin simplicity (I = ½) SU(3) octet and decuplet- no singlet Disadvantage: No S-channel, reduced production cross section
production at CLAS/g11
The CLAS12 central detector with SVT Forward part of SVT, 6 layers, strips oriented +/-1.5 degree stereo angle, will improve the vertex determination and the resolution, linked to the forward DC Central part, 3 double sided layers, will provide tracking of charged particles in the solenoid field Silicon Vertex Tracker, 150 m pitch, =50 m Scintillator Counters, t=50ps 5T SC Solenoid Magnet Central Forward