1 HKSAR Government’s Efforts to Address Climate Change
2 Tackling Climate Change A global challenge facing mankind A global challenge facing mankind Calls for global action Calls for global action
3 Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Hong Kong Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission levels: Total emissions at some 45 million tonnes CO 2 equivalent in 2006 Total emissions at some 45 million tonnes CO 2 equivalent in 2006 Carbon intensity at 30kg CO 2 equivalent per HKD1,000 GDP (2006), 40% reduction from Carbon intensity at 30kg CO 2 equivalent per HKD1,000 GDP (2006), 40% reduction from Per-capita emissions at approx. 6.6 tonnes CO 2 equivalent (down 4% from 1990) Per-capita emissions at approx. 6.6 tonnes CO 2 equivalent (down 4% from 1990) lower than those of developed economies – USA (24 tonnes), Australia (28 tonnes), UK (11 tonnes), EU (11 tonnes), Japan (10 tonnes), and Singapore (9 tonnes)
4 Emission Sources
5 Hong Kong’s International Obligations United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its Kyoto Protocol extended by CPG to Hong Kong in May 2003 “Common but differentiated responsibilities” – a core principle underpinning UNFCCC Kyoto Protocol assigned mandatory emission limits to developed countries (Annex I Parties to UNFCCC) – combined GHG emissions from them between should be reduced by at least 5% below the 1990 levels For non-Annex I Parties such as China (including Hong Kong), Singapore, South Korea - no requirement to meet mandatory emission limits under the Kyoto Protocol
6 Hong Kong’s International Obligations Under UNFCCC, Hong Kong is required to: – Prepare emission inventory of GHG by sources and sinks – Formulate, implement and regularly update programmes on mitigation and adaptation measures – Strengthen scientific research and promote application of technologies – Promote public awareness and understanding of climate change and its likely effects
7 GHG Emissions Reduction in Hong Kong Constraints & Opportunities Hong Kong is already a small emitter Hong Kong is already a small emitter A service economy - no energy intensive industries A service economy - no energy intensive industries Public mass transport system is very efficient Public mass transport system is very efficient (90% of daily passenger trips are already made on public transport system) (90% of daily passenger trips are already made on public transport system)
8 Vehicle Ownership Per Thousand Population Hong Kong vs Other Economies Hong Kong
9 Per-capita Electricity Consumption Hong Kong vs Other Developed Economies
10 GHG Emissions Reduction in Hong Kong Constraints & Opportunities Dominant share of energy sector emissions suggests the key measures should target at electricity generation Dominant share of energy sector emissions suggests the key measures should target at electricity generation
11 GHG Emissions Reduction in Hong Kong Constraints & Opportunities Topography and physical constraints limit the potential for large-scale development of renewable energy, including off-shore wind farms Topography and physical constraints limit the potential for large-scale development of renewable energy, including off-shore wind farms
12 GHG Emissions Reduction in Hong Kong Constraints & Opportunities Scope for Hong Kong to do more in end-use energy conservation and efficiency: Scope for Hong Kong to do more in end-use energy conservation and efficiency: – Energy efficiency: better building design and wider use of energy efficient appliances – Energy saving: raising public awareness and education Electricity consumption by sector in 2005
13 Tackling Climate Change Existing Efforts Cleaner fuels for power generation Cleaner fuels for power generation – New coal-fired generation units banned since 1997 – Maximum use of natural gas A new Scheme of Control Agreement A new Scheme of Control Agreement – Permit higher rate of return for renewable energy (RE) facilities – Facilitate access of 3 rd party local RE sources to grids of power companies
14 Tackling Climate Change Existing Efforts Promote energy conservation & efficiency Promote energy conservation & efficiency Promote use of water-cooled A/C systems and other energy efficient installations Promote use of water-cooled A/C systems and other energy efficient installations Enhance building efficiency Enhance building efficiency – Building Energy Codes – District Cooling System
15 Tackling Climate Change Existing Efforts Use cleaner and more efficient land transport Use cleaner and more efficient land transport Utilise landfill gas as fuel Utilise landfill gas as fuel – Collect and utilise landfill gas from closed and operating landfills as fuel substitutes for on-site use – Export landfill gas from the Shuen Wan Landfill and NENT Landfill as fuel for the Towngas Production Plant in Tai Po Utilise biogas at sewage treatment works Utilise biogas at sewage treatment works
16 Tackling Climate Change Existing Efforts Tree plantation programme to enhance the carbon sink Tree plantation programme to enhance the carbon sink – 12 million trees were planted in the past 5 years – 1.2 million trees will be planted in 2008
17 Tackling Climate Change Public Participation Promote Promote lifestyle and behavioural changes in the community Mobilise community action to adopt energy saving measures Continuous public awareness programmes Outreaching to schools through talks, web-based education kits and joint activities
18 Tackling Climate Change Government Taking the Lead Reducing electricity consumption Reducing electricity consumption – Cut down electricity consumption of Government by 6% between 2002/03 to 2006/07 – Pledged further in the Policy Address to reduce 1.5% electricity consumption of all Government office buildings from January 2006 – Energy audits and re-audits conducted in over 200 major Government venues, with follow up energy savings projects implemented
19 Tackling Climate Change Government Taking the Lead Promoting energy efficiency & use of renewable energy Promoting energy efficiency & use of renewable energy – All new Government buildings and retrofit projects required to fully comply with Building Energy Codes
20 Tackling Climate Change Government Taking the Lead Green initiatives in public housing projects by HD Green initiatives in public housing projects by HD – PV Panels – Vertical green panels pilot project at Yau Tong – Life cycle assessment/Life cycle costing – Micro-climate studies in housing design – Participation in HKBEAM assessment Green roofing by ArchSD Green roofing by ArchSD – More than 50 completed green roof projects – 20 projects for retro-fitting green roof in existing government buildings in 2007/08 Vegetation cover on government man-made slopes and noise barriers by CEDD/ HyD Vegetation cover on government man-made slopes and noise barriers by CEDD/ HyD
21 Tackling Climate Change Recent new efforts New Measures since October 2007 Launch first carbon audit guidelines for buildings and “Green Hong Kong ‧ Carbon Audit” campaign Launch first carbon audit guidelines for buildings and “Green Hong Kong ‧ Carbon Audit” campaign Prepare for mandatory compliance with Building Energy Codes Prepare for mandatory compliance with Building Energy Codes Roll out Mandatory Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme Roll out Mandatory Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme Promote the use of biodiesel Promote the use of biodiesel Conduct a study on climate change with a view to enhancing the existing mitigation & adaptation measures Conduct a study on climate change with a view to enhancing the existing mitigation & adaptation measures
22 Tackling Climate Change International Co-operation Endorsed APEC “Sydney Declaration on Climate Change” in Sept 07. Pledged to reduce energy intensity of at least 25% by 2030 (with 2005 as base year) Joined C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group
23 The End Website: