Prof. Dr. Andrä Wolter Permeability between Vocational Training and Higher Education New Opportunities for Non-traditional Students and Lifelong Learners - Paper presented at the EU –Presidency Conference “Realising the learning area Europe” Forum III: Learning Pathways, Credit Transfer and Lifelong Learning Munich, June 4/5th 2007
2 Contents (1)Introduction (2)Establishing a European Higher Education Area (3)Bologna and Copenhagen: Lines of Covergence (4)The Concept of Lifelong Learning and its Relevance for the Postulate of Permeability (5) Lifelong Learning, Non-traditional Students and Higher Education (6) Conclusions
4 10 Bologna Action Lines (I) Six action lines were introduced in the Bologna Declaration: 1.Adoption of a system of easily readable and comparable degrees 2.Adoption of a system essentially based on two cycles 3.Establishment of a system of credits 4.Promotion of mobility 5.Promotion of European co-operation in quality assurance 6.Promotion of the European dimension in higher education
5 10 Bologna Action Lines (II) Three more were introduced in the Prague Communiqué: 7.Lifelong learning 8.Higher education institutions and students 9.Promoting the attractiveness of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) A tenth action line was introduced in the Berlin Communiqué: 10.Doctoral studies and the synergy between the EHEA and the ERA Another one was introduced in the Bergen Communiqué: 11. The social dimension of the EHEA
6 Lifelong Learning in the Prague Communiqué (2001) “Lifelong learning is an essential element of the European Higher Education Area. In the future Europe, built upon a knowledge- based society and economy, lifelong learning strategies are necessary to face the challenges of competitiveness and the use of new technologies and to improve social cohesion, equal opportunities and the quality of life.“
7 … in the Berlin Communiqué (2003) “Ministers underline the important contribution of higher education in making lifelong learning a reality. They are taking steps to align their national policies to realise this goal and urge Higher Education Institutions to enhance the possibilities for lifelong learning at higher education level including the recognition of prior learning. They stress the need to improve opportunities for all citizens, in accordance with their aspirations and abilities, to follow the lifelong learning paths into and within higher education.“
8 … in the Bergen Communiqué (2005) “II. Taking stock Recognition of degrees and study periods … We see the development of national and European frameworks for qualifications as an opportunity to further embed lifelong learning in higher education. We will work with higher education institutions and others to improve recognition of prior learning including, where possible, non-formal and informal learning for access to, and as elements in, higher education programmes.”
9 … London 2007 (I) „Recognition 2.5 Fair recognition of higher education qualifications, periods of study and prior learning, including the recognition of non- formal and informal learning, are essential components of the EHEA, both internally and in a global context. [...]
10 … London 2007 (II) Lifelong Learning 2.11 The stocktaking report shows that some elements of flexible learning exist in most countries, but a more systematic development of flexible learning paths to support lifelong learning is at an early stage. [...] Only in a small number of EHEA countries could the recognition of prior learning for access and credits be said to be well developed.”
11 The Copenhagen Declaration (November 2002) “Recognition of competences and qualifications ● Investigating how transparency, comparability, transferability and recognition of competences and/or qualifications, between different countries and at different levels, could be promoted by developing reference levels, common principles for certification, and common measures, including a credit transfer system for vocational education and training.”
12 The Maastricht Communiqué (December 2004) and the Helsinki Communiqué (December 2006) “... the establishment of flexible and open frameworks for VET in order to reduce barriers between VET and general education, and increase progression between initial and continuing education and higher education” (Maastricht) “More attention should be paid by participating countries to the image, status and attractiveness of VET. This calls for: [...] - open VET systems which offer access to flexible, individualized pathways and create better conditions for transition to working life, progression to further education and training, including higher education...” (Helsinki)
13 Lines of Convergence between Bologna and Copenhagen (1)Permeability between vocational and higher education (2)Recognition of prior learning as a prerequisite for more permeability (3)Establishing a credit transfer system as another instrument (4)EQF as an instrument for comparability and recognition (5)(1) to (4) as elements of lifelong learning (6)Higher education institutions as instances of LLL
14 Concepts of Lifelong Learning (1)An egalitarian, participation oriented concept: lifelong learning for all (2) A human capital oriented model: promoting employability (3) A humanist, personality centered concept: LLL as individual cultivation (4) A postmodern view: LLL as an open learning network based on ICT
15 Lifelong Learning as a comprehensive concept Includes: (1)the complete learning biography: the life- course, biographical perspective on LLL (2)the sequence of all educational institutions over the life-span: the systemic view of LLL (3)all perspectives and dimensions of learning and human development: the perspective of educational diversity
16 Elements of the life-course perspective (1)Disappearance of the traditional sequences in the biographical order of education (2)New combinations and arrangements between traditionally segmented educational routes and institutions (3)Increasing importance of alternative routes to higher education (4)A more diversified composition of the student body
17 Elements of the systemic perspective (1)Educational institutions as parts of a connected system or a network of learning opportunities (2)LLL as a vision of an open, flexible and transparent system with many transitions and without any dead-ends (3)Permeability as a central element of lifelong learning (4)From institutional supply to social demand (5)New procedures of evaluation and assessment for individual achievements, competences and qualifications
18 Elements of the diversity perspective (1)Multiple missions/objectives of learning (2)Plurality of social roles: manpower, citizen, individual, etc. (3)Centrality of the learner (4)Equivalence between different settings of learning
19 Participation in higher education New entry rates, in % of age cohorts nda Data source: EUROSTUDENT 2005 – National Profiles
20 Non-traditional routes to higher education (in %) Data source: EUROSTUDENT 2005 – National Profiles
21 Access routes in Germany 2004 (in %) Source: Statistisches Bundesamt
22 Organization of Higher Education - From Traditional to Lifelong Learning Mode
23 Organization of Higher Education - From Traditional to Lifelong Learning Mode II
24 Conclusions (1)LLL as a comprehensive, systemic concept (2) LLL as a vision of an open, flexible and transparent educational system (3)LLL comprises ►institutional policies to increase permeability and to reduce exclusion ►innovative procedures of evaluation and creditation ►extending access to higher education ►new modes of delivery (5) In most countries latitudes for further quantitative extension (6) Different national models for more permeability between VET and higher education