Intel Teach to the Future Mondays at Rio Linda HS 3:30 to 7:30 Room L3
Intel’s Goal The Program aims to help teachers discover how to turn the power of computer technology into teaching tools that captivate students, motivate them, and ultimately move them toward greater learning.
Grant Joint Union HSD Goal To enhance student learning and achievement with technology integrated curriculum through teachers’ hands-on training, collaboration, curriculum design, and project-based activities.
Program Outcomes A Unit Plan with student learning objectives aligned to state standards. A student multimedia presentation sample A multimedia evaluating tool for assessing student learning A student publication sample (newsletter or brochure) A publication evaluation tool for assessing student learning A student Web site sample A Web site evaluation tool for assessing student learning A teacher presentation, newsletter, brochure, of Web site to support your Unit Teacher handouts, templates or tests to support your unit A unit implementation plan Classroom management documents
Teacher Participant Commitments 40 hours of training and participation in all class and homework activities (est. 20 hrs) Complete a unit integration technology Complete an on-line evaluation of the training Participate in follow-up workshops (20 hrs) Complete evaluations during the next school year. Remain in the Grant JUHSD for two years.
Let’s begin the fun!