Robot Navigation with GPS Kris Horn, Chris Foley, Richard Neil Pittman, Michael Willis
Problem Background Purpose: Design and construct a vehicle capable navigating to a sequence of path points Learn how to integrate components including GPS, compass, and vehicle into working system.
Needs Statement Provide vehicle capable of following a specified path Provide a platform that can be used for: Information Gathering Remote Presence Environmental Survey Provide learning experience for Team
Goals Interface micro controller with GPS & RC vehicle Vehicle will be sturdy enough to cover mostly flat terrain while carrying a payload of electronic equipment including the GPS. Vehicle will be able to establish its own location on earth and use information from the GPS to navigate to a user defined point. Vehicle will be able to follow a path of points provided by the user.
Technical Resources GPS option Control board documentation Documentation of Micro controller Project similar ours
Design Constraints Budget Must be cost effective Time Deadline End of Semester Technical Scope Approach may not be too challenging for team to complete before deadline
Environmental & Societal Impact Effects on Warfare Used for mine detection Removing humans from danger Safety & Environmental Concerns Minimal Careful Path selection to prevent collision Proper disposal of battery packs Proper Maintenance of electrical components
Proposed Design GPS Receiver/Compass Microcontroller Hobby RC Truck
Proposed Design
Design Validation Garmin 15L Wired Gps 1. Small 2. Affordable 3. Accurate 15 m Garmin Remote Antenna
Design Validation Cont. Stampede Monster Truck 1.) Large 2.) Affordable 3.) Simple TS-025 Electronic Magnetic Compass
Design Validation Cont. Mark III Controller Board Kit (OOPic Version) 1.) User Friendly 2.) Affordable 3.) Object Oriented
Economic Analysis Stampede Monster Truck TS-025 Electronic Compass Mark III Electronic Board Kit GPS Module + Antenna Subtotal ≈ $420.00
Time Chart
Management Kris Horn : GPS and hardware integration. Chris Foley: Software design, budget, procurement of parts. Neil Pittman: PIC Microcontroller specialist and hardware design. Michael Willis: Software design, board design.