1 Training for what? Occupational destinations of VET students Mark Cully, Nhi Nguyen and David John
2 Employment status by qualification AQF level Employed both periods Moved out of employment Moved into employment Not employed both periods Advanced diploma Diploma Certificate IV Certificate III Certificate II Certificate I Total Source: 2003 TAFE Student Outcomes Survey Note: Rows do not sum to 100% because of the exclusion of a small number of students with unknown status.
3 Employment outcome indicators by reason for study Main reason for study Net change in employment, pre- to post- training Employment status at May 2003 EmployedUnemployedNot in labour force To get a job To get a better job/promotion It was a job requirement To gain extra skills To get into further study Total Source: 2003 TAFE Student Outcomes Survey Note: Employment status does not sum to 100% because of the exclusion of a small number of students with unknown status.
4 Intended occupation of training activity Intended occupation of training activity (major group) EmployedNot employed MenWomenMenWomen Managers Professionals Associate professionals Tradespersons Advanced clerical and service Intermediate clerical, sales and service Intermediate production and transport Elementary clerical, sales and service Labourers and other Total100.0 Source: 2003 TAFE Student Outcomes Survey Note: people undertaking general training are excluded.
5 Intended and destination occupation
6 Match between intended and destination occupation #1 Intended occupation of training activity (major group) Job stayersJob changersJob gainers Managers Professionals Associate professionals Tradespersons Advanced clerical and service Intermediate clerical, sales and service Intermediate production and transport Elementary clerical, sales and service Labourers and other Total Source: 2003 TAFE Student Outcomes Survey Note: people undertaking general training are excluded.
7 Match between intended and destination occupation #2 Intended occupation of training activity (major group) Completed full qualification Completed part qualification Managers Professionals Associate professionals Tradespersons Advanced clerical and service Intermediate clerical, sales and service Intermediate production and transport Elementary clerical, sales and service Labourers and other Total Source: 2003 TAFE Student Outcomes Survey Note: people undertaking general training are excluded.