Frequency Spectrum, Antennas, and Amateur Radio Troy Rank
Frequency spectrum Focus On: HF – High FrequencyHF – High Frequency VHF – Very High FrequencyVHF – Very High Frequency UHF – Ultra High FrequencyUHF – Ultra High Frequency Lower Microwave FrequenciesLower Microwave Frequencies
HF Frequency Range 3-30MHz3-30MHz Who Uses HF? MilitaryMilitary MarineMarine AeronauticalAeronautical Radio AmateursRadio Amateurs World Band RadioWorld Band Radio
HF - Modes Analog Modes AM, USB, LSB, CWAM, USB, LSB, CW Digital Modes SSTV (slow scan tv)SSTV (slow scan tv) Amtor / PactorAmtor / Pactor RTTYRTTY PSK31PSK31 WeFaxWeFax BPL?BPL?
VHF/ UHF VHF MHz UHF 300MHz - 3 GHZ Short Range No Ionospheric propagation Who uses VHF/UHF Who Doesn’t?Who Doesn’t?
VHF/UHF Applications FM broadcast Radio Broadcast TV Local Radio Communication PolicePolice CommercialCommercial Cell Phones Satellite Communications b/g
UHF/VHF modes FM, USB, LSB, AM (on lower freqs) Digital modes Packet RadioPacket Radio Digital VoiceDigital Voice IRLPIRLP APRSAPRS
UHF/VHF Repeaters Retransmit signals Longer usable range Receive on one Frequency Transmit on a separate Frequency Intermodulation Duplexers
IRLP Internet Radio Linking Project Connects RepeatersConnects Repeaters Uses Internet For connectionUses Internet For connection
Amateur Satellite VHF for transmit UHF for receive Types RepeatersRepeaters DigipeatersDigipeaters Other dataOther data
Beyond UHF 3-300GHZ (Microwave region) Large Bandwidth Highly subject to line of sight Very low power Health hazardHealth hazard Highly directional signals used
Applications 3-300GHZ Wireless Data Links Broadband Internet links Large bandwidthLarge bandwidth Radar Wireless USB
Amateur Microwave Contesting
What is Amateur Radio Hobby Provide Emergency Communication Much more resilient than convention telephone lines / cell phonesMuch more resilient than convention telephone lines / cell phones Experiment with new forms of RF communication
How to Become a Ham Three License Classes TechnicianTechnician GeneralGeneral ExtraExtra Take a Written Multiple Choice Test
Dipole Antenna 2.4 DB gain for ¼ wave ¼, ½, 5/8, wave versions
Other Types Of Antennas Loop Yagi Cubical Quad Ground Plane Aperature Crossed Yagi Helix
Aperature Commonly used for microwave freqs
Ground Plane Omni directional
Crossed Yagi and Helix