Shareholders Meeting Instructions
General Information Purpose –Present what strategies were used during simulation –Share financial results –what you learned from the simulation Location –Depends on Videotaping status –Will be by lab section –2 teams per session
Presentation Overview minute time frame Report should be as of round 8 (2018) Two parts –Shareholder reporting –Lessons learned Must turn in a printed copy of the slides (notes – 3 frames per sheet) You may give handouts to the ‘shareholders’ (not required)
Presentation Requirements Introduction of group members Outline of presentation Company Overview Strategies –Mission Statement and Corporate Strategy –Business –Functional –Competitive Environment Analysis
Presentation Requirements Financial Highlights (explain what they tell us, categories suggested but not required) –Profitability Ratios –Liquidity Ratios –Equity Ratios –Use your company stats versus industry stats –Must present your performance measures; may add other positive financials as desired Lessons Learned Plans for the Future Conclusion/Wrap Up of pertinent information
Presentation Evaluation Introduction Main points –Clearly stated –Supported by evidence/reasoning –Logically organized Visual aid usage Conclusion Vocal skills Dress
Report Overview Overall Length – 20 pages minimum Format - Business style writing –Times New Roman font, 12 pt., 1 inch margins –Double-spaced paragraphs –No indentation on paragraphs –Double-space between paragraphs and after headers –Section headers in bold; sub-headers italicized –All type should be left justified Consistent formatting throughout Printed report should be spiral-bound Require a second copy (stapled only)
Report Requirements Content should mirror presentation –Cover Page –Table of Contents –Letter to the Shareholders - 1 page –Company Profile –Strategy (Mission, Corporate, Business, Functional, Competitive Environment) –Financial Highlights (Profitability Ratios, Liquidity Ratios, Equity Ratios; include industry stats as in presentation) –Lessons Learned –Plans for the Future –Conclusions Use charts, graphs, images and bullets –Creative, but professional –Not too large
Helpful Resources Company websites –Example shareholder reports and 10Ks Dr. Adams –Shareholder’s Annual Report Instructions –Class discussion and examples –Grading Sheet Blackboard –These slides –Other Blackboard documents in class folders GTA in Lab –Office hours –Sample reports
Misc. Notes Formal business attire (shirt and tie for guys, business attire for ladies) Plan your transitions. Work out and practice the rotation of presenters in advance. Other helpful public speaking tips
Due Dates 4/13/11 Presentations: –Erie –Ferris 4/20/11 Presentations: –Chester –Digby –ALL WRITTEN REPORTS DUE THIS DAY IN LAB! 4/27/11 Presentations: –Andrews –Baldwin