Growing Wealth From Native Land Native Land, Our Heritage, Our Future NLTB GIS/RS Update Date : 24 th November 2010
Growing Wealth From Native Land Native Land, Our Heritage, Our Future Introduction Brief History of GIS/RS at NLTB Major Issues Facing NLTB Process in going to ArcGIS Current Implementation
Growing Wealth From Native Land Native Land, Our Heritage, Our Future GIS/RS History 1975: The first computer installed in NLTB to process rent and distribute income 1988: Computerised Land Information System (Mapping) using InfoMap 1997: Migrated LIS information to InfoCAD for ALTA Project 1999: LIS Section was decentralised 2002: MapInfo, GPS Rovers and Base Station installed at NLTB with Help of SOPAC 2004: MySAP Installed 2009: Replaced MySAP with LandSoft 2010: Spatial/GIS Project
Growing Wealth From Native Land Native Land, Our Heritage, Our Future Issues Being Faced At NLTB 1.Large number of different Systems being Used 2.Double Leasing 3.Identifying available Land for Leasing 4.Quality of GIS Data 5.Integration of GIS Data with LandSoft 6.Use of NLTBS GIS Data 7.Fourteen GPS rovers at NLTB are getting old or not functioning 8.Use of new Technology
Growing Wealth From Native Land Native Land, Our Heritage, Our Future Choice between MapInfo or ArcGIS Followed a thorough evaluation process in how the software would assist in addressing main issues Choose ArcGIS because Product Support Upgrade Path Integrating to LandSoft Centralised Server Creating KML’s USP Students learning ArcGIS
Growing Wealth From Native Land Native Land, Our Heritage, Our Future Testing use of ArcGIS 1.Created KML’s to be used in Google Earth to look into Schedule A+B issue. 2.Lease - Arrears, Expired, Reassessment and by Lease Type 3.Identified area on ground with development but no lease boundary 4.Creating Land Owning Unit Maps
Growing Wealth From Native Land Native Land, Our Heritage, Our Future
Growing Wealth From Native Land Native Land, Our Heritage, Our Future
Growing Wealth From Native Land Native Land, Our Heritage, Our Future Addressing the Issues 1.Purchased Six Trible GeoXT Rovers 2.All Technical officers will be using ArcGIS 3.Centralised Data in new Spatial Server 4.Multiple levels of access for estate staff will assist with GIS data accuracy issues, double leasing and management of leases. 5.New NLTB website has link to available land 6.ArcMap files are linked to Reporting Server
Growing Wealth From Native Land Native Land, Our Heritage, Our Future Thoughts on the Process 1.GIS Being part of IT has significant benefits 2.Approval process in current environment is much more thorough so more time consuming 3.Technology from GIS/RS has really improved 4.GIS Functionality can replace a lot of old “IT Functionality”
Growing Wealth From Native Land Native Land, Our Heritage, Our Future Going Forward 1.Finish implementation of Spatial/GIS Solution 2.Look into use of Smartphones e.g. Blackberry, Iphone and Android Phones to assist with staff in field accessing Map Information 3.Look into Vehicle Tracking
Growing Wealth From Native Land Native Land, Our Heritage, Our Future Acknowledgement 1.SOPAC - Wolf 2.NaGIS - Nasi Racaca 3.USP - Conway Pene 4.Eagle Technology - Kenna Kelly 5.Lukemine Enterprises - Kevin McConnel 6.GeoSystems - Warren Eade
Growing Wealth From Native Land Native Land, Our Heritage, Our Future Vinaka
Growing Wealth From Native Land Native Land, Our Heritage, Our Future ArcGIS Server 1.Plan was to create KML from ArcGIS and then let users on the counters access it from Google Earth 2.Issue was that a large number of users would have to have internet access 3.With ArcGIS Server able to publish map and include a layer to Bing Maps 4.Means all NLTB users will be able to access our published maps 5.Access maps with Web Pages and queries