Welcome to RPI North Albany Academy! Orientation December 12, 2011
Today we will: Investigate College Life & Career Learn about Smart Lighting Explore how to bring Ideas to Reality Tour RPI
Agenda 9:30-9:40 AM – Orientation 9:40-10:00 AM – College Life Panel 10:00-11:00 AM – First Activity 11:00-12:00 PM – Second Activity 12:00-12:30 PM – Lunch 12:30-1:00 PM – Campus Tour 1:15-1:30 PM – Exit Talk
What is college? A place to learn A place to do research A place to socialize A place to….
Categorize the following schools: Harvard Cornell RPI Saint Rose UAlbany Hudson Valley Union Yale SageUCLA DukesPurdueUConn SyracuseUPenn
Types of colleges Public vs. Private 4 year vs. 2 year Big vs. Small Local vs. Distance Cheap vs. Expensive Anything else?
Picking the right school College Choice FamilyYouTeachers
Picking the right school Family Learn About Financial Aid Help child develop study skills Keep in contact with your child’s teachers You Start thinking about college Develop good study skills Try your best in school Teachers Expand student’s knowledge about college Help students develop good study skills Discuss possible career opportunities
Making the hard choices Jobs & Salary Location Personalities Finances
Jobs & Salaries
Jobs & Salaries
Location US News & World’s Report Best Colleges 2009
Finances Grants Scholarships Work Loans FASFA Free Application for Student Federal Aid
College Life Turn over to panel here…
Rensselaer Engineering Ambassador Find Your Passion and Engineer it! Mackenzie David Ott From Somerset, Wisconsin Aeronautical/Mechanical Class of 2014 I chose Aeronautical Engineering because I’ve loved space from an early age Chose RPI because its considered one of the best schools in the country for Aeronautical engineering Active in Design, Build, Fly Founding member of Students for Exploration and Development of Space Brother of Sigma Chi Fraternity Career Aspirations - Work for a private aeronautical firm Favorite book: Hitchhikers Guide to the galaxy To be successful in college. You have to focus and get stuff done
Rensselaer Engineering Ambassador Find Your Passion and Engineer it! Jeffrey Morton Mechanical Engineering ‘14 Delmar, NY Clubs – RPI Engineering Ambassadors – UPAC Lights Hobbies – Camping/Hiking – Frisbee – Unicycling – Water Skiing
Rensselaer Engineering Ambassador Find Your Passion and Engineer it! Chemical Engineering 2012 Astoria, Queens NYC President, Sigma Delta Sorority Inc. President, Chem.E Honor Society, OXE Women’s Mentoring Program Undergraduate Research Program Tip: I use Microsoft Outlook Calendar to keep my entire semester organized. GHANA 2010 Accra Kumasi SPAIN 2011 Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia
Rensselaer Engineering Ambassador Find Your Passion and Engineer it! Whitney McKenzie Hometown: Bronx, NY Major: Electrical Engineering Why?: I am a very techy person and have always wanted to do robotics as a concentration. Why RPI: Other than having one of the top engineering schools, when I visited the campus for the first time I felt like this was where I wanted to be. Favorite movie: Up, Despicable Me, Harry Potter, All Comedies Favorite music types: Rock, Pop, K-pop, J-Rock, Alternative, Caribbean music Games: Team Fortress 2, Rusty Hearts, DDR, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros., All Fighting games (Tekken, Street Fighter), Minecraft
NATIONAL SOCIETY OF BLACK ENGINEERS Chemical Engineer Class of 2013 Kethia Mathieu Hobbies Singing Dancing Video Games Hanging out with Friends EatingHobbies Singing Dancing Video Games Hanging out with Friends Eating Biography Born and Raised in Boston MA Parents are from Haiti 2 older brothers and 1 younger sister Favorite Subjects in Elementary School were Math and Gym Favorite Subjects in High School were Math, Chemistry, and GymBiography Born and Raised in Boston MA Parents are from Haiti 2 older brothers and 1 younger sister Favorite Subjects in Elementary School were Math and Gym Favorite Subjects in High School were Math, Chemistry, and Gym Aspirations Graduate from RPI Get a Masters Degree in Business Get a Job Have a FamilyAspirations Graduate from RPI Get a Masters Degree in Business Get a Job Have a Family
Panel Q&A Kethia Mathieu Adriana Rojas Whitney McKenzie Mack Ott Jeffrey Morton
Before you go… Pick up your fractal pattern Hand in your green sheet Fill out your survey Enjoy the rest of your day!
Why should I go to college? Salary Bachelor’s (4-year) Associate’s (2-year) High school graduate $25,900 $33,000 $45,400
Why should I go to college? Job Security
Why should I go to college? Jobs
Why should I go to college?
Why should I go to college?