Catechist Formation Session 1
What Is Catechesis? The Mystery of the Incarnation
What is Catechesis?
Revelation God’s self-disclosure.
Revelation God wishes to be known by us.
Revelation God’s self-disclosure. God wishes to be known by us. God wishes to be in relationship with us.
Revelation God’s self-disclosure. God wishes to be known by us. God wishes to be in relationship with us. Why?
Revelation God’s self-disclosure. God wishes to be known by us. God wishes to be in relationship with us. Why? Because God loves us.
Revelation is always mediated.
Through our senses.
Revelation is always mediated. Through our senses. Through people.
Revelation is always mediated. Through our senses. Through people. Through creation.
Revelation is always mediated. Through our senses. Through people. Through creation. A direct experience of God is not possible in this life.
What is our response to revelation? Faith.
Faith. We come to know and love the One who reaches out to us.
Revelation reaches its apex in Jesus Christ In Him, divinity is mediated though a human being.
Jesus Christ: Both Revealer and Revelation Jesus did not come solely in response to sin. His coming was a part of God’s plan from all time: Jesus is not “Plan B.”
The Church is the guardian of God’s revelation. Transmitted though Scripture.
The Church is the guardian of God’s revelation. Transmitted though Scripture. Transmitted through Tradition.
The Church is the guardian of God’s revelation. Transmitted though Scripture. Transmitted through Tradition. Kept from error by the Holy Spirit.
Evangelization: The proclamation of the Good News of Jesus Christ
How do we proclaim it?
Through the call to faith and community.
How do we proclaim it? Through the call to faith and community. Through initiation: all Christian education is initiatory in character.
How do we proclaim it? Through the call to faith and community. Through initiation: all Christian education is initiatory in character. –The catechumenate is our model.
How do we proclaim it? Through the call to faith and community. Through initiation: all Christian education is initiatory in character. –The catechumenate is our model. –Adult catechesis is the norm.
How do we proclaim it? Through the call to faith and community. Through initiation: all Christian education is initiatory in character. –The catechumenate is our model. –Adult catechesis is the norm. Through ongoing formation.
How do we proclaim it? Through the call to faith and community. Through initiation: all Christian education is initiatory in character. –The catechumenate is our model. –Adult catechesis is the norm. Through ongoing formation. Through liturgy.
How do we proclaim it? Through the call to faith and community. Through initiation: all Christian education is initiatory in character. –The catechumenate is our model. –Adult catechesis is the norm. Through ongoing formation. Through liturgy. Through theological study.
Conversion: The object of evangelization and a life-long process.
Conversion: The object of evangelization and a life-long process. Catechesis brings about and supports conversion.
Primary Proclamation and Catechesis Primary proclamation is aimed at non- believers.
Primary Proclamation and Catechesis Primary proclamation is aimed at non- believers. Catechesis is ongoing.
Primary Proclamation and Catechesis Primary proclamation is aimed at non- believers. Catechesis is ongoing. The two are not always distinct.
Primary Proclamation and Catechesis Primary proclamation is aimed at non- believers. Catechesis is ongoing. The two are not always distinct. The context of catechesis is the faith community.
Primary Proclamation and Catechesis Primary proclamation is aimed at non- believers. Catechesis is ongoing. The two are not always distinct. The context of catechesis is the faith community. Catechesis prepares for the task of mission.
Catechesis is:
Comprehensive and systematic.
Catechesis is: Comprehensive and systematic. An apprenticeship of the Christian life.
Catechesis is: Comprehensive and systematic. An apprenticeship of the Christian life. Education and formation.
Many Forms of Ongoing Catechesis
The study of Scripture.
Many Forms of Ongoing Catechesis The study of Scripture. Liturgical catechesis
Many Forms of Ongoing Catechesis The study of Scripture. Liturgical catechesis –Homilies and the symbolism of the sacraments.
Many Forms of Ongoing Catechesis The study of Scripture. Liturgical catechesis –Homilies and the symbolism of the sacraments. Reflection in the light of faith.
Many Forms of Ongoing Catechesis The study of Scripture. Liturgical catechesis –Homilies and the symbolism of the sacraments. Reflection in the light of faith. Study of the Church’s social teaching.
Many Forms of Ongoing Catechesis The study of Scripture. Liturgical catechesis –Homilies and the symbolism of the sacraments. Reflection in the light of faith. Study of the Church’s social teaching. Spiritual Direction.
Many Forms of Ongoing Catechesis The study of Scripture. Liturgical catechesis –Homilies and the symbolism of the sacraments. Reflection in the light of faith. Study of the Church’s social teaching. Spiritual Direction. Theological Study.
Religious instruction is distinct from catechesis. Catechesis teaches a way of life.
Four Key Dimensions of Catechesis
1.Catechesis is the work of the Church. It is central.
Four Key Dimensions of Catechesis 1.Catechesis is the work of the Church. It is central. 2.Its goal is communion and intimacy with Jesus Christ, through the work of the Holy Spirit.
Four Key Dimensions of Catechesis 1.Catechesis is the work of the Church. It is central. 2.Its goal is communion and intimacy with Jesus Christ, through the work of the Holy Spirit. 3.Its object is profession of faith in Christ, which is trinitarian, loving and communal.
Four Key Dimensions of Catechesis 1.Catechesis is the work of the Church. It is central. 2.Its goal is communion and intimacy with Jesus Christ, through the work of the Holy Spirit. 3.Its object is profession of faith in Christ, which is trinitarian, loving and communal. 4.It has specific, interrelated tasks.
The Tasks of Catechesis
Promoting knowledge of the faith.
The Tasks of Catechesis Promoting knowledge of the faith. Liturgical education.
The Tasks of Catechesis Promoting knowledge of the faith. Liturgical education. Moral formation.
The Tasks of Catechesis Promoting knowledge of the faith. Liturgical education. Moral formation. Teaching to pray.
The Tasks of Catechesis Promoting knowledge of the faith. Liturgical education. Moral formation. Teaching to pray. Educating for community life.
The Tasks of Catechesis Promoting knowledge of the faith. Liturgical education. Moral formation. Teaching to pray. Educating for community life. Missionary initiation.
To Summarize:
Revelation is God’s self-disclosure, done out of love for us and a desire to be in relationship with us. It is mediated through creation and reaches its apex in Jesus Christ. Revelation leads to…
Faith Faith is our response to God’s loving initiative. We respond with love and trust in God’s faithfulness and care for us. Our lives become centered on Jesus Christ who is both the Revealer and the Revelation. Faith leads to…
Evangelization We share the Good News of Jesus Christ. We proclaim it to all. Evangelization leads to…
Conversion A metanoia, a “turning around” of our lives. We re-orient our lives towards God rather than self. It is a life-long process. Initial and ongoing conversion is fostered by…
Catechesis Is… The faith is passed on.
Catechesis Is… The faith is passed on. More than religious instruction; we pass on a way of life.
Catechesis Is… The faith is passed on. More than religious instruction; we pass on a way of life. Central to the work of the Church.
Catechesis Is… The faith is passed on. More than religious instruction; we pass on a way of life. Central to the work of the Church. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Catechesis Is… The faith is passed on. More than religious instruction; we pass on a way of life. Central to the work of the Church. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Both initiatory and ongoing.
Catechesis Is… The faith is passed on. More than religious instruction; we pass on a way of life. Central to the work of the Church. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Both initiatory and ongoing. Modeled on the catechumenate.
Foundations of Catholicism: The Mystery of the Incarnation
What is meant by the Incarnation? God takes on human flesh and comes to dwell among us as a human being
The significance of the Incarnation: God entered into His creation in an unprecedented way through Jesus Christ.
The significance of the Incarnation: God entered into His creation in an unprecedented way through Jesus Christ. The divide between the Creator and Creation is closed forever.
The significance of the Incarnation: God entered into His creation in an unprecedented way through Jesus Christ. The divide between the Creator and His creation is closed forever. All of creation is permeated with the presence of God. God is “present in” rather than just “present to” creation.
The reality of the Incarnation: God entered into His creation in an unprecedented way through Jesus Christ. The divide between the Creator and Creation is closed forever. All of creation is permeated with the presence of God. God is “present in” rather than just “present to” creation. Humanity and all creation (the material world) is raised up.
Therefore… All of creation has the potential for divine encounter.
Therefore… All of creation has the potential to be vehicles of God’s saving activity.
Therefore… All of creation has the potential for divine encounter. All of creation has the potential to be vehicles of God’s saving activity. All of creation is sacramental in nature. Matter and spirit come together.
Therefore… All of creation has the potential for divine encounter. All of creation has the potential to be vehicles of God’s saving activity. All of creation is sacramental in nature. Matter and spirit come together. The Sacraments are given to us by Christ, who is Himself the Sacrament of God.
This is a foundational concept in Catholicism. The world is charged with the grandeur of God. It will flame out like shining from shook foil. -- Gerard Manley Hopkins
At Our Next Meeting… Passing on the Gospel Message Scripture: God’s Revelation