Rideau Lakes, Westport, Merrickville/Wolford, Seeley’s Bay, Lyndhurst, Gananoque EKIOC TRANSPORTATION PILOT
OVERVIEW OF FEB 1/10 - JAN 31/11 Implementation / Operation United Counties Joint Services - $15, vans EKIOC Member Agencies - $9,000 LTA delivered Feb 1/10 to Jan 31/11 – MOU Ontario Trillium Foundation granted on April 5/10 - $65, 000 May 1/11 – Sue brought on for coordination of pilot Media announcement and release with UC Joint Service - June 24/ newspapers + 2 TV stations + 1 radio station + 3 websites CAS – picked up rides that LTA could not do starting in November
Implementation / Operation LTA PROCESS Call made by individual or agency with one week's notice (if possible ) LTA determines: who referred, origin of ride, eligibility of individual, purpose of ride LTA contacts organization for confirmation and approval Referral form is completed by agency contact and sent to LTA Trip is provided. Organization invoiced for trip.
OVERVIEW OF FEB 1/10 - JAN 31/11 Marketing Regular contact with media Schools – information and follow up Recreation Directors Face book and website s Posters and rack cards to community agencies, township office, businesses, churches, food banks, libraries, dumps, parks, medical centers, liquor stores, grocery stores, pharmacies, retirement facilitates, marinas, etc Canada Post mail-out Presentations to organizations, clubs and community agencies “Secondary” presentations made thanks to community partners Attended festivals, community events and fairs Booths at trades shows eg BPH
OVERVIEW OF FEB 1/10 - JAN 31/11 Statistics
As of Jan /11 – 536 trips ODPS27% OW16% CYWC2% FACS11% DSLG24% OEYC.4% KEYS.7% Connections4% Public15%
OVERVIEW OF FEB 1/10 - JAN 31/11 Statistics
Ridership Rideau Lakes17% Westport19% Merrickville/Wolford14% Seeley’s Bay0 Lyndhurst13% Gananoque30% Other7%
OVERVIEW OF FEB 1/10 - JAN 31/11 Statistics Reasons for Trips Medical45% Coop/School3.3% Travel1.8% Employment30% Community Services16.7% Shopping1% Other2.6%
OVERVIEW OF FEB 1/10 - JAN 31/11 Challenges Cost to provide transportation not in line with what people able to pay Volunteer vs business Rides turned down EKIOC delivered with LTA process Participating agencies continued with use of own transportation Overlap of services in same area
FROM HERE – FEB 1/11 – APRIL 1/11 Implementation / Operation LTA - MOU ended January 31/11 Feb 1/11 to April 1/11 – OTF funding - 12 months EEC – “triage” – referral service + existing 800 # Family and Children Services- dispatching and volunteers Continue with most of LTA process Goals 200 trips per month for next 2 months Funding for L&G service if that is desired direction
FROM HERE – FEB 1/11 – APRIL 1/11 Wrap up with LTA Provide transportation until Feb 4/11 Drivers Van ownership Processes Bookkeeping/financials Pre-booked rides for the next 2 months Contacts Client evaluations Year-end report Refer any calls for transportation to the new 800#
WHAT WE HAVE LEARNED …. Transportation can’t pay for self Need is for low cost transportation - highly subsidized Initially EKIOC had hoped that all agencies would pool their transportation money but each service wants to hold onto their funds – therefore we morphed into a referring service too Could refer to all other services Low income families –car but no gas money Children under 8 yrs needed service
WHAT WE HAVE LEARNED …. Pilot area may not have been best choice Everyone interested but hard to get changes happening Posters, rack cards, articles are effective Staff If we follow referral way – may be no need for our service Call - ride – turnaround time Change takes a longer period than a year Existing community services not being accessed
Suggestions We haven’t had enough time 2 yr “pilot” to determine L&G needs Do we set up partnership agreements to pool money for a transportation service? Do we look at the referral model? Where do we go from here?
Services – potential for future Call Questions/Triage Other Service (Subsidized) Taxi or Business EKIOC (Subsidized)