Does first aid training prevent workplace accidents? Helen Lingard Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning The University of Melbourne.
Background Previous research suggests first aid training may have a positive preventive effect Association between traditional first aid training and a lower incidence of workplace injuries (Miller and Agnew 1973; McKenna and Hale 1981) People trained in first aid expressed a greater willingness to take personal responsibility for safety adopt safe behaviour (McKenna and Hale 1982) However these studies were methodologically flawed Eg Non-random assignment of participants into control and experimental comparison groups.
Hypotheses 1)First aid training improves participants' risk control (safety) behaviour in relation to known OHS risks 2)First aid training improves participants’ understanding of acute and delayed effect OHS risks relevant to their workplaces 3)First aid training improves participants’ understanding of OHS risk control for known OHS risks 4)First aid training increases participants’ motivation to avoid occupational injury and illness
Methodology 24 week experiment Purposeful, typical case sampling strategy Multiple baseline across workplace experimental design Pre-and post-training observation and interview Direct observation of safety behaviour using proportional rating scale Structured interviews using theme list to facilitate comparison
Behavioural observation Literature review to identify causes/sources of accidents in residential construction Objective OHS performance indicators were developed for pertinent categories of OHS performance. Expressed as measurable items in a behaviour rating scale Proportional rating method used because of proven reliability Observers trained in scale content Inter-rater reliability checked (89%)
Interviews Structured interview theme list designed to explore: participants' cognition (knowledge) of chronic and acute effect OHS risks; participants' cognition (knowledge) of options available for the control of these OHS risks; and participants’ motivation to avoid occupational injury and illness.
Data analysis (1) - behaviour The difference between pre-training and post-training behavioural scores was analysed using Paired Samples T-tests (alpha level.05)
Behavioural results (1)
Behavioural results (2)
Data analysis (2) - interview data Interview transcripts were coded and analysed using thematic content analysis The importance of emergent concepts in the pre-and post-training interview data was determined on the basis of the frequency with which concepts were mentioned
Interview data (1)
Interview data (2)
Interview data (3)
Conclusions (1) First aid training: Improves certain OHS behaviours does not improve awareness of OHS risk (except infectious diseases) does not improve knowledge of OHS risk controls Improves motivation to avoid occupational injury or disease.
Conclusions (2) First aid training alone yields some behavioural improvement Probably achieved through attitudinal change (motivation enhancing) But improvements are likely to be limited by workers’ prior safety knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) This includes their ability to recognise OHS risks and knowledge of and ability to implement risk controls. KSAs are not generally improved by first aid training First aid training alone is insufficient
An integrated training model
Practical recommendations Explore and assess the value of integrating OHS and first aid training in industry-specific courses. For example by: Presenting information about injuries and illnesses and their treatment in the context of how they could occur in the participants' own workplace. Encouraging trainees to think about OHS risks in their workplace (eg visual imagery as used in sports psychology) Conducting first aid training at the workplace and creating injury scenarios for practical exercises.