EPortfolios and integrative learning Angela Smallwood.


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Presentation transcript:

ePortfolios and integrative learning Angela Smallwood

Lifelong learning Nottingham: DeL project – RIPPLL – ePF for WP transitions – interoperability between different institutional systems DeL project – RIPPLL – ePF for WP transitions – interoperability between different institutional systems learner data moving across a complete lifelong learning journey learner data moving across a complete lifelong learning journey generic services – the eFramework generic services – the eFramework Institutional / institution-free systems Institutional / institution-free systems

Lifewide learning University of Nottingham CETL for Integrative Learning single institution remit – contextualised by JISC developments  lifewide implementation of ePFs – diversity of lifelong, turned sideways? single institution remit – contextualised by JISC developments  lifewide implementation of ePFs – diversity of lifelong, turned sideways? Learning inside and outside the curriculum, recognised and unrecognised, formal and informal Learning inside and outside the curriculum, recognised and unrecognised, formal and informal specialised diplomas specialised diplomas ePortfolios for integrative learning ePortfolios for integrative learning

ePF and PDP – Orientations ePF: solution to institutional implementation of PDP policy? ePF: solution to institutional implementation of PDP policy? PDP ‘structured and supported’ – institutional responsibility – single institution frameworks – in tension with the direction of ePF developments? PDP ‘structured and supported’ – institutional responsibility – single institution frameworks – in tension with the direction of ePF developments? PDP originally predicated on individualistic, solitary reflection, structured and supported by institutional system – framed? PDP originally predicated on individualistic, solitary reflection, structured and supported by institutional system – framed? Compare learners’ actual learning practice and use of technology – personalising, social, collaborative Compare learners’ actual learning practice and use of technology – personalising, social, collaborative

Opportunities Lifelong learning contexts impending more closely on HEIs Lifelong learning contexts impending more closely on HEIs –Recruitment of adults –Regional Lifelong Learning Networks Lifewide learning culture strengthening Lifewide learning culture strengthening –Schwartz fair admissions: holistic assessment –14-19 Specialised Diplomas –Undergraduate demands around employability Changemaking ePF projects in HE – major arena for achieving high quality research-based evidence about the capabilities of ePF – How? Changemaking ePF projects in HE – major arena for achieving high quality research-based evidence about the capabilities of ePF – How?