Westinghouse Atom Atom- 1 Design of Digital Safety Systems in NPP Improvements regarding: System Requirements, Engineering, Argumentation for a Safety Case
Westinghouse Atom Atom- 2 Projects on W Atom Nuclear Automation General Modernizations of NPP Claes Design of a new Reactor Protection System 2,5 years Why Modernization? Meet new reqirements Advantages with the new technology
Westinghouse Atom Atom- 3 Reactor Protection System Main Task Supervise the plant during normal operation and automatically initiate safety functions. Functional Requirements ReactivityIsolationCooling ReactorSafety SystemsI&C RPS and acting upon events Logic for detecting
Westinghouse Atom Atom- 4 The I&C System - Characteristics I&C = Instrumentation and Control Includes I/O, controllers, operator stations, etc... (Advant platform) Based upon Industrial Products New in the nuclear business for safety critical systems Advantages with conventional technology Useful reference for ABB Safety Review Customer uses results from the qualification and the design in their argumentation to the authorities (SKi) One part of the I&C system RPS and acting upon events Logic for detecting
Westinghouse Atom Atom- 5 Qualification of the Category A I&C Category A FSE Safety critical according to IEC 1226 Designed according to IEC 880 Qualification Issues (”Safety Case”) Design Bases and Design Descriptions Codes and Standards (Compliance) Product Software Qualification (Static analyses) Product Hardware Qualification Analysis (FMEA, PSA, SIL) V&V (Design Process) QA/QC Category A I&C system RPS and acting upon events Logic for detecting
Westinghouse Atom Atom- 6 Design Issues for a Category A I&C System Results from the Qualification Restrictions, safety concepts DinD&D (Defence in Depth and Diversity) The classic design principle for safety systems Single Fault Criterion Redundancy Experience – Process Knowledge The I&C system must fit with the process interface RPS and acting upon events Logic for detecting
Westinghouse Atom Atom- 7 Conceptual Design Non-Functional Requirements Structure Four functionally and physically separated divisions Logic and voting in two levels Category A logic separated from other logic Testability and Maintainability Performance Behaviour upon errors Separation according to the process (safety systems)
Westinghouse Atom Atom- 8 Category A Topology Four redundancies, (divisions) Physical and functional separation Diversification (functions and equipment) The Category A I&C Architecture RPS and acting upon events Logic for detecting
Westinghouse Atom Atom- 9 Entire Network Topology
Westinghouse Atom Atom- 10 Life Cycle Model Sequential The Design Process for Category A I&C
Westinghouse Atom Atom- 11 Research Areas ”Optimization of the Design Process” Requirements Interactions between product requirements and system requirements Verification of requirements (testable, reviewable) Traceability from plant level requirement to implemented application software Category A Design Process Distinguish the design process for category A
Westinghouse Atom Atom- 12 Research Areas cont. ”Optimization of the Design Process” Qualification Make the qualification more cost efficent. More focus on technology...
Westinghouse Atom Atom- 13 Seminal Papers IEC 880 European Commission Nuclear Science and Technology. Draft Report Revision 8. ”Licensing of safety critical software for NPP”, IAEA-TECDOC-1066 ”Specification of Requirements...”, Nancy G. Leveson ”System Safety and Computers”,1995.