0-1 Knapsack Problem A burglar breaks into a museum and finds “n” items Let v_i denote the value of ith item, and let w_i denote the weight of the ith item The burglar carries a knapsack capable of holding a total weight W The burglar wishes to carry away the most valuable subset of items subject to the weight constraint Want to steal diamonds before gold We assume that the burglar cannot take a fraction of an object, so he/she must make a decision to take the object entirely or leave it behind If the burglar can take a fraction of an object for a fraction of the value and weight, the problem very easily solved
0-1 Knapsack: Formal Definition Given <v1, v2, …, vn> and <w1, w2, …, wn>, and W > 0, we wish to determine the subset T <= {1, 2, .., n} (of objects to “take”) that maximizes Sum_{i e T} vi subject to the constraint Sum_{i e T} wi <= W
0-1 Knapsack: Brute-Force Algo Brute-force algorithm would be to try all possible combinations of items that fit in the knapsack and see which one results in the highest total gain How many possible sets? Size of the superset of “n” items Set of items containing 1 items: n Set of items containing 2 items (n 2) Set of items containing 3 items (n 3) … Set of items containing n items (n n) Sum_{k = 1}^n (n k) =? Exponential # of alternatives
0-1 Knapsack: Greedy Algorithm The greedy thing to do will be to compute the gain per unit of weight (vi/wi) for each item “i”, and fill in the knapsack starting with the item having the highest gain and continuing this way until the knapsack is filled. Example next…
0-1 Knapsack: Greedy Algorithm 60 60 35 -- 40 60 60 40 30 40 $140 $160 $90 30 20 20 20 20 $100 $100 $100 10 5 5 $30 5 $30 ----- ----- ----- Knapsack $30 $20 $100 $90 $160 $270 $220 $260 Gain 6.0 2.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 Greedy solution to Fractional problem Greedy solution to 0-1 problem Optimal solution to 0-1 problem
0-1 Knapsack: Greedy Algorithm Greedy Algorithm does not work because we cannot take fraction of an item. If that was allowed, the greedy algorithm would have found the optimum solution How do we solve 0-1 knapsack then? It turns out this problem is NP-complete, so we cannot hope to find an efficient algorithm However, if we make the same sort of assumptions that we made in counting sort, we can come up with an efficient algorithm
Formulation of the Problem We have object {1, 2, 3, …, n}., Knapsack of size: W Here is how we formulate the problem: Assume you have a function Knapsack, that that computes the optimal Value: Knapsack(v, w, n, W). Leave the Last Object: If we choose to not take object “n”, then the optimal value will come about by considering how to fill a knapsack of size W with the remaining objects {1, 2, …, i-1}. This is Knapsack(v, w, n-1, W) Take the Last Object: If we take object “n”, then we gain a value of v[n], but have used up w[n] of our capacity. With remaining W-w[n] capacity in the knapsack, we can fill it up to the best possible way with objects {1, 2, …, i-1}. This is v[n]+Knapsack(v, w, n-1, W-w[n]). This is only possible if w[n] <= W
0-1 Knapsack: Divide-Conquer Algorithm Knapsack(v[1..n], w[1..n], n, W){ if (n <= 0) return 0; if (W <= 0) return 0; // Consider leaving object “n” leave_val = Knapsack(v, w, n-1, W); // Consider taking object “n” take_val = -INFINITY; if (w[n] <= W) take_val = v[n] + Knapsack(v, w, n-1, W-w[n]); return max(leave_val, take_val); } //end-Knapsack Running Time? O(2n) in the worst case Notice that the function makes 2 calls to itself. At each call, n is decremented by 1. So the height of the function call tree is potentially “n”, giving rise to potentially 2n function invocations
0-1 Knapsack: DP Solution The problem with the divide and conquer algorithm is that it solves the same subproblems over and over again. This is what DP is all about. To make divide and conquer algorithms more efficient The idea is to store the solutions to subproblems in a table and retrieve the solutions from that table the next time we need to solve the same subproblem. This way each subproblem is solved just once, giving rise to efficient algorithms
0-1 Knapsack: DP Solution How to store solutions to subproblems? Construct an array V[0..n, 0..W] For 1 <= i <= n, 0 <= j <= W, the entry V[i, j] will store the maximum value of any subset of objects {1, 2, .., i} that can fit into a knapsack of weight “j” If we can compute all the entries of this array, then the entry V[n, W] will contain the max. value of all “n” objects that can fit into the entire knapsack of weight W
Computing V[i, j] Observe that V[0, j] = 0 for all 0 <= j <= W No items, no value We consider 2 cases: Leave Object: If we choose to not take object “i”, then the optimal value will come about by considering how to fill a knapsack of size “j” with the remaining objects {1, 2, …, i-1}. This is just V[i-1, j] Take Object: If we take object “i”, then we gain a value of vi, but have used up wi of our capacity. With remaining j-wi capacity in the knapsack, we can fill it up to the best possible way with objects {1, 2, …, i-1}. This is vi+V[i-1, j-wi]. This is only possible if wi <= j
0-1 Knapsack: Final Formulation Combining all observations, we have the following rules {0 if i=0 and 0<=j<=W v[i,j] ={v[i-1,j] if wi > j {max{v[i-1,j], vi+v[i-1,j-wi] if wi<=j
0-1 Knapsack: Algorithm Knapsack(v[1..n], w[1..n], n, W){ Allocate V[0..n][0..W]; For j=0 to W do V[0, j] = 0; // Initialization For i=1 to n do { For j=0 to W do { leave_val = V[i-1, j]; // Total val. If we leave i if (j >= w[i]) // Enough capacity to take i? take_val = v[i] + V[i-1, j-w[i]]; // Tot. value if else // we take i take_val = -INFINITY; // cannot take i V[i, j] = max{leave_val, take_val}; // final value } //end-for return V[n, W]; } //end-Knapsack
0-1 Knapsack: Running Time It is easy to see that the algorithm takes (n+1)*(W+1) = O(n*W) steps The algorithm computes the maximum attainable knapsack value in V[n, W], but does not describe which items are taken But that can be added by recording for each entry V[i, j] in the matrix whether we got this entry by taking the ith item, or leaving it. This this information it is possible to reconstruct the optimum knapsack contents
0-1 Knapsack: Example Values of the objects are <10, 40, 30, 50> Weights of the objects are <5, 4, 6, 3> The capacity of the knapsack, W = 10 Capacity J = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Item Value Weight 1 10 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 2 40 4 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 3 30 6 40 40 40 40 40 50 70 4 50 3 50 50 50 50 90 90 90 90 Final result is V[4, 10] = 90 (for taking items 2 and 4)