TP Calorimetry and particle ID Jaewon Park
2 Calorimetry We assumed that (dE/dx) min is constant for differe nt particles. In previous study: Hcal calibration constant is acquired from proton beam s tudy. Ecal calibration constant is acquired from electron beam study. In TP(tracker+DS-Ecal) study, it shows we can’t use same calibration constant for proton and ele ctron.
3 Proton -- Ecal calibration constant Old study showed Ecal ca libration constant 2.5 is be tter than 1.75 Mean of (recoE-trueE)/tru eE become constant for th eta, Vz depedence Value 1.75 is from dE/dx weighting. Calorimetry constant 2.5 o verestimates proton’s ene rgy. K_ecal=1.5K_ecal=1.75 K_ecal=2.5
4 TP Detector – Proton Ecal calib. constatant = 2.5
5 Nu_e electron events (k_ecal=1.5) It underesti mates electr on’s energy.
6 Nu_e electron energy (k_ecal=2.5) 2.5 shows be tter energy re constuction. It’s consisten t with previou s Ecal study with electron beam.
7 Nu_e electron energy (k_ecal=2.5) When electro n track is rec onstructed.
8 dE/dx From graph, dE/dx ( electron) is higher t hatn dE/dx (proton) around 2-5GeV
9 dE/dx of reconstructed tracks Particle beam is shot perpendicular to scintillator planes i n semi-infinite tracker. To localize only beginning of track, it process dE variable until: slope>1, dr>1, and nStrips>3 Also required track length > 10cm. Examined two variables: dE variable in track ntuple. Sum of dE / track length
10 dE/dx of reconstructed tracks Upper two plots sho ws mean values of di stribution Bottom two plots sho ws Gaussian fit value s of distribution. Fit value Mean value
11 dE sum / track length dE sum/ trk length > 0.18 Low energy proton d E/dx looks like electr on or gamma.
12 dE sum / track length
13 (Backup slides) dE sum/track length – individual plots
14 Gamma
15 Gamma
16 Electron
17 Electron
18 Proton