Who are we and what do we do Getting Information about RMIT Julie Wells Policy & Planning Group
Who are our students? There were more 56,000 enrolments in This is nearly twice the enrolments in % students in higher education (16 % postgraduate) 37% students in VET RMIT was first in University and TAFE VTAC preferences in
Who are our students? Revenue Source 2004 (Proportion of Load)
Who are our students? International enrolments by Home Residence (2004) 37% of HE Enrolments (’04) 11% of VET Enrolments (’04)
Broad Field of Education (Load) 2004 What are students studying?
Total enrolments by campus Where are students studying? HE – 2004; TAFE
Who are our staff? Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Staff by Employment Category, Sept 2004
How do we perform? Graduate Destinations VET Percent
Graduate Destinations 2004 – Higher Education Percent How do we perform?
Who are our students? Who are our staff? Where are we located? Statistics and Reporting OPIS website Policy & Planning Group Staff Profile Find out more …
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