Marine Biology May 10, 2006 Kelp Forests
Phylum Chlorophyta: green algae Chlorphylls are the main photopigments
Phylum Rhodophyta: red algae Contain phycobilins: accessory photopigments capable of absorbing blue and green light
Phylum Phaeophyta: brown algae Contain fucoxanthins, accessory photopigments capable of absorbing blue and green light
Parts of the kelp thallus Holdfast Stipe Pneumatocyst Blade
Life cycle of Macrocystis pyrifera (giant kelp)
Kelp distribution: West coast of North America
Pelagophycus: huge blades!
And a personal favorite… Postelsia palmiformes
Kelp distribution: worldwide
Requirements of kelp Cold water (<62ºC) Nutrient-rich Light Rocky substrate
Upwelling: N. hemisphere
Upwelling: S. Hemisphere
Invertebrates Photo: Kerry Werry
Giant kelpfish; kelp bass; kelp rockfish Photo: Monterey Bay Aquarium Photo: Luke Miller
Marine Mammals Photo: NOAA
Orcas, Sea otters Sea urchins Kelp