C-spine precautions Oct/21/2008
18 year old girl involved in MVC, front seat passenger, no seat-belt. The car hit the traffic light at 100km/hr, gas tank exploded and fire started, extraction time was 45 minutes, no Hx. Of LOC What is your next step ?
Air way with C-spine precautions Breathing Circulation Disability Exposure with environmental control Secondary survey
Missed injuries 10% in head trauma patients 6% in patients without head injury Risk of disease transmission
C-spine in a trauma patient Suspect injury in all patients –Pain and tenderness, decreased LOC, injuries above the clavicle, weak Ext. or altered sensation Careful neurological exam –Complete –Incomplete –ASIA score
What to do if you suspect injury: –Hard collar and back board –Transfer with in-line manual cervical immoblization –Keeping shoulders and hips aligned at all times
Neurogenic shock Sequelae of secondary cascade of cellular dysfunction –Inflammation, edema, hemorrhage,free radicals,lipid peroxidation, electrolytes imbalance Methylprednisone –30mg/kg bolus, 5.4mg/kg/h infusion
Noncontiguous traumatic spinal injuries in 5-20%
Lateral C-Spine
C-Spine Landmark 1. Anterior arch of the atlas 2. Dens of axis 3. Posterior arch of the atlas 4. Soft palate 5. Root of the tongue 6. Transverse process 7. Intervertebral disc 8. Inferior articular process 9. Superior articular process 10. Zygapophyseal (facet) joint 11. Spinous process of C7