Lec 23, Ch.9.1 & 9.2 Program and project implementation Characteristics of a programming process Setting priorities for project selection
Characteristics of a programming process Programming = the matching of available projects with available funds to accomplish the goals of a given period 3 items to consider Resource availability Staging of projects over time Resource distribution The absolute level and relative distribution of funds among modes, functional systems, political jurisdictions, and specific project types Self explanatory = takes into account interdependencies among projects, both geographically and temporally (i.e., the future implications of near-term decisions). The amount and source of resources that will be available to fund a program over the investment period it covers
Programming often is political You will here about this in a MAG’s presentation toward the end of this semester. 1. Setting program goals and objectives 5. Priority setting and program development 2. Establishing program performance measures 6. Program trade-offs 3. Assessing needs and identifying projects 7. Budgeting 4. Project evaluation8. Program implementation Key elements of the capital programming process
Setting priorities for project selection This section 9.2 is a reiteration of 8.6 and adds a couple of methods more than what’s discussed in 8.6, including: Goal achievement method Numerical rating/ranking method Priority index method Systems analysis (e.g., mathematical programming) method (Did you notice Dr. Balling’s GA- based transportation system/land use modeling study was quoted at the bottom of page 585? Its reference is quoted as (Taber et al., 1999).)