Discussion Finding Bernie Madoff: Detecting Fraud by Investment Managers Philip Hamill
Where is Bernie? D&G in 98 th Percentile for felony risk. Federal Correction Complex, Butler, North Carolina, Prisoner Number # Projected release date: 14 th November 2139
Is this research interesting? Yes. Is this research Important? YES! – significant policy implications Fund Management literature focuses on performance. Limited literature on predicting fraud & other operational risks.
Can the predictive power be improved? Gil-Bazo & Ruiz-Verdú (2008) JEBO: High performance lower fees. Gil-Bazo & Ruiz-Verdú (2009)JF: (-) relationship between fees & risk-adjusted performance!!! Chen et al (2004) AER: Fund size, performance, liquidity and organisational structure. Use Cahart’s alpha – lagged/cumulative performance important? CCO CFA variable?