[SRES m tea pic here] 50% SRES academic staff & 50% research students work [or should that be walk?] on water SRES undergraduate courses (j/w DEMS, CRES) are core of water major SRES Headlines
Policy regulatory design (Gunningham, Sinclair & 5 students) economics of pollution (Mahendrarajah) equity & environmental justice (Fisher, Gross) local community values (Eastburn) Climate variability & change (Lindesay) Urban systems sustainable infrastructure design (Brack, Dyball) SRES Research themes #1
Ecology & biology hydro-ecology (Mackey) landscape scale water use variation (Mackey, Berry) physiology (Alcorn) dendrology (Brookhouse) Catchment processes iCAM (Jakeman et al, inc. 7 students) roads & sediment (Farabi) Plants - soil - water soil processes (Dumaresq, Field, Greene, Bann, Wong) SRES Research themes #2
Individual courses: - ENVS1001 Australia’s Environment (DEMS/ SRES) - SRES2008 Hydrology for NRM (CRES) - SRES3005 Water Resource Management (CRES) (new) Water Major [single & double] SRES Teaching & Learning Core courses: - ENVS SRES SRES3005 Streams: - Processes & quality - Environmental modelling - Earth & env. science - Environmental policy