Wavelets with a difference Gagan Mirchandani October 18, 2002
Simple intro. to wavelets and simple examples 2. 2.Some better wavelets (group theory and phase) 3. 3.Convolution & stochastic deconvolution over groups 4. 4.Application to segmentation and other things
3 1. Making wavelets
4 V V W … V W Dilations and translations of (compact support) wavelets form the basis
5 Haar scaling functions and wavelets in space V Level
6 LP HP LP HP V V V W W data spectrum ………… Level 1 Level 2 filter then synthesis (convolution) N N/2 N/2
13 What’s wrong with (real) wavelets? - -No spatial invariance - No convolution capability
14 2. Group-based wavelets --group invariance --convolution --complex wavelet coeffs. (phase)
16 Significance of phase
17 3. Convolution and stochastic deconvolution over groups
18 F I L T E R x(t) y(t) k(t) x(g) k(g) y(g) standardconvolution
x(g) n(g) y(g) x(g) ε(g) h(g) ¿ Stochastic deconvolution
20 4. Application to segmentation and other things
21 Spectrum: Angle -45, BW 10 Reconstruction: Angle -45, BW 10 Reconstruction: Angle -80, BW 5 Steerable filtering* with group-based filters * work with Valerie Chickanosky
22 Segmentation ( use of phase)
23 Segmentation application
24 Classification application (Brodatz texture data base ORL faces data base)
27 Last slide (Research sponsored by DEPSCoR Grant) April April Edge Detection - J. Ge 2. 2.Group-based convolution - M. Elfatau 3. 3.Spline-based edge detection - S. Ganapathi 4. 4.Segmentation and Classification