LING 388: Language and Computers Sandiway Fong Lecture 28: 12/6
Administrivia Homeworks –homeworks 4 and 5 –graded and returned –no more homeworks or final
Today Course –a look back –accomplishments –perspective –what next?
A Look Back Goals –practical: hands on experience be able to write grammars build a simple translation engine fairly narrow field of view (FOV) learnt a new programming language –SWI-Prolog logic computation rule: backtracking and ambiguity definite clause grammars (DCG) use of the debugger
A Look Back Covered –lectures: 600 slides –Formal grammar systems finite state automata (FSA) regular grammars regular expressions finite state transducers context-free grammars
A Look Back Grammar writing techniques –use of extra arguments –feature propagation up the tree Examples (linguistically motivated) parse trees predicate argument structure SOV/SVO: Japanese vs. English word order case particles wh-in-situ vs. wh-movement question particles (wh-questions and yes-no questions) translation dictionary determiner-noun agreement passivization subject-verb agreement idioms (English and Japanese)
A Look Back Homeworks –designed to provide training (as well as feedback to the instructor) –can be tough –no substitute for doing it yourself –acquire experience with grammar writing techniques
A Look Back More Theoretical –last few weeks –gain perspective –to appreciate the inherent difficulties in dealing with human language
A Look Back other topics –some history: statistics vs. rules: colorless green ideas... machine translation –also Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) –word-based search: stemming –WordNet –e-rater
What Next? Spring Semester LING 439/539 Statistical Methods in Speech and Language Processing (Ying Lin) –speech recognition methods LING 364 Semantics (Sandiway Fong) –logic –computational approach –Prolog
What Next? Next Fall LING 438/538 Computational Linguistics (Sandiway Fong) –a survey course at an advanced level –uses a textbook Speech and Language Processing Jurafsky and Martin, Prentice-Hall 2000 –uses Prolog as well –some overlapping material –webpage: