Meeting Student Needs: Evolving Learning Library The University of Hong Kong Y.C. Wan The University of Hong Kong Libraries The 11 th 334 Symposium Lingnan University, 4 March 2011
Evolving Learning Main Library (HKU) Background A library of two buildings (Old Wing – open in 1961; New Wing – open in 1991) Planned and designed before the advent of modern information and communications technology. It was meant to be a place for quiet, self-paced study Transformed premises and services since the 1990s to meet with IT needs and changing student learning styles
Evolving Learning Main Library (HKU)
3+3+4 Academic Structure “A once-in-a-lifetime exercise for HKU to reform its undergraduate curriculum” 4-year curriculum features: (inter)disciplinary inquiry, multidisciplinary collaboration, enquiry in multiple contexts, multiple forms of learning & assessment, work in team, etc. New learning space for students taking broader, team-based, more flexible courses
Evolving Learning Main Library (HKU) Double Cohort By 2012, student numbers at HKU will increase by 40%, or an extra 3,000 students Existing learning space is inadequate to cope with more students and the new curriculum Centennial Campus: Colin Lam Learning Commons 2,000 additional seats
Evolving Learning Main Library (HKU) Faculty & Students Feedback “I can find a quiet place in the Library to study when I need to” “I can find a place in the Library to work in group when I need to” “The Library is a good place to study We (library and its users) need a variety of spaces in the Library
Evolving Learning Main Library (HKU) HKU Main Library Learning Commons (2,781 m 2 )
Evolving Learning Main Library (HKU) The New LC Will Be … Student-centered environments Information rich environments Technology rich environments Virtual and physical learning environments Social and collaborative environments Extension to our existing environments …
Evolving Learning Main Library (HKU) Planning Brief Access to a myriad of information resources Help desks Workstations for group work and self-paced study Group collaborative areas/rooms Quiet, self-paced study areas/rooms Comfortable furniture Printing and scanning facilities Wired and wireless connections Plenty of power outlets Vending machines to provide certain drinks and food that leave minimum mess Toilets
Evolving Learning Main Library (HKU) Planning Guidelines Flexibility Clearly defined zones Self-navigate Use of natural light HKU identity Number of university computers; bring your own computer 24 x 7 opening Engagement with stakeholders Green Equal Access
Evolving Learning Main Library (HKU)
Before We Have a New LC … More consultation with staff, students and other stakeholders Finalize the design Get the contract out in time Decide on the service model, etc., allocate resources Minimize disruption to service Find space to accommodate the displaced books Communicate, communicate and communicate More …
Evolving Learning Main Library (HKU) Tentative Schedule
Evolving Learning Main Library (HKU) THANKS