ENGIN 112 Intro to Electrical and Computer Engineering Lecture 32 Hazards Give qualifications of instructors: DAP teaching computer architecture at Berkeley since 1977 Co-athor of textbook used in class Best known for being one of pioneers of RISC currently author of article on future of microprocessors in SciAm Sept 1995 RY took 152 as student, TAed 152,instructor in 152 undergrad and grad work at Berkeley joined NextGen to design fact 80x86 microprocessors one of architects of UltraSPARC fastest SPARC mper shipping this Fall
Minimum sum of products implementation reduces costs Overview Minimum sum of products implementation reduces costs Propagation delays in circuits can lead to output glitches Hazards can be determined from K-map Technique using K-maps to avoid hazards Look for neighboring circles Hazards are less of a concern for sequential circuits. Combinational outputs settle prior to rising clock edge credential: bring a computer die photo wafer : This can be an hidden slide. I just want to use this to do my own planning. I have rearranged Culler’s lecture slides slightly and add more slides. This covers everything he covers in his first lecture (and more) but may We will save the fun part, “ Levels of Organization,” at the end (so student can stay awake): I will show the internal stricture of the SS10/20. Notes to Patterson: You may want to edit the slides in your section or add extra slides to taylor your needs.
There is a finite propagation delay through all gates. Combinational Delay Logic gates do not produce an output simultaneously with a change in input. There is a finite propagation delay through all gates. input output input output time propagation delay
Example of Combinational Hazards Eg. Q = AB’ + BD if B & D are 1 then Q should be 1 but because of propagation delays, if B changes state then Q will become unstable for a short time, as follows: A B D Q (C) Q goes low for a short time even though the function says that it should be independent of B when both A & D are high. A D B (C) Q High glitch
Hazards/glitches: unwanted switching at the outputs Occur when different paths through circuit have different propagation delays Dangerous if logic causes an action while output is unstable May need to guarantee absence of glitches Usual solutions 1) Wait until signals are stable (by using a clock): preferable (easiest to design when there is a clock – synchronous design) 2) Design hazard-free circuits
Types of Hazards Static 1-hazard Static 0-hazard Dynamic hazards Input change causes output to go from 1 to 0 to 1 Static 0-hazard Input change causes output to go from 0 to 1 to 0 Dynamic hazards Input change causes a double change from 0 to 1 to 0 to 1 OR from 1 to 0 to 1 to 0 1 1 1 1
Hazard Elimination Hazards like these are best eliminated logically. The Karnaugh Map of the required function gives one method. Covering the hazard causing the transition with a redundant product term (AD) will eliminate the hazard. The hazard free Boolean equation is: Q = AB’+BD+AD 00 01 11 10 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 D AB AB’ BD AD
Static Hazards Due to a literal and its complement momentarily taking on the same value Thru different paths with different delays and reconverging May cause an output that should have stayed at the same value to momentarily take on the wrong value Example F A B S S' hazard static-0 hazard static-1 hazard
Due to the same versions of a literal taking on opposite values Dynamic Hazards Due to the same versions of a literal taking on opposite values Thru different paths with different delays and reconverging May cause an output that was to change value to change 3 times instead of once Example: A C A C B F 1 2 3 B1 B2 B3 F hazard dynamic hazards
Hazard Example Logic gates do not produce an output simultaneously with a change in input. There is a finite propagation delay through all gates.
Hazard Removal for Static 0 Locate boundaries between circles Add an extra circle (product term) to eliminate hazard Note: addition of term does not lead to minimum sum of products implementation.
Hazard Removal Result Addition of extra AND gate and extra OR gate input Generally does not slow down circuit Not as important for sequential circuits
When inputs change, intermediate values created Summary When inputs change, intermediate values created Could lead to incorrect circuit behavior Hazards can be determined from K-map Technique using K-maps to avoid hazards Use additional implicants Hazards not as important for sequential design Hazard removal requires additional hardware credential: bring a computer die photo wafer : This can be an hidden slide. I just want to use this to do my own planning. I have rearranged Culler’s lecture slides slightly and add more slides. This covers everything he covers in his first lecture (and more) but may We will save the fun part, “ Levels of Organization,” at the end (so student can stay awake): I will show the internal stricture of the SS10/20. Notes to Patterson: You may want to edit the slides in your section or add extra slides to taylor your needs.