LIGO-G P LIGO Project Accounting Presentation June 27, 2000
LIGO-G P Executive Committee Meeting2 Proposed Agenda Overview of NSF Grants, Cooperative Agreements »Current »Future Construction Project Advanced R&D (Cindy Akutagawa) Operations (Florence Kaufman) Advanced LIGO (Thomas Frey) Issues
LIGO-G P Executive Committee Meeting3 LIGO Funding Sources NSF Cooperative Agreement PHY »$20 million for Construction related R&D »$272.1 million for Construction »$68.7 million for Operations (Installation and Commissioning) »Expiration: September 30, 2001 »Special Provisions - Ownership of Property (Amendment 08) NSF Grant PHY »$656,025 for Visitor’s Program »Expiration Date: January 31, 2000 NSF Grant PHY »$1.3 million for Advanced R&D »Expiration Date: August 31, 1999 NSF Grant PHY »$7.6 million for Advanced R&D »Expected Expiration Date: August 2002 Estimate $24 million in Indirect Expenses to date
LIGO-G P Executive Committee Meeting4 Future LIGO Funding Continuing Operations ( ) »Estimate $25 million per year Advanced LIGO ( ) »Estimate $100 million Visitor’s Program »$780,000 »Estimated Expiration Date: January 2003
LIGO-G P Executive Committee Meeting5 Construction Project WBS Time-phased Budgets Performance Measurement Cost and schedule variances Internal and external reporting
LIGO-G P Executive Committee Meeting6 LIGO Construction Costs (end of May 2000)
LIGO-G P Executive Committee Meeting7 LIGO Construction (end of May 2000)
LIGO-G P Executive Committee Meeting8 LIGO Construction (Performance Chart)
LIGO-G P Executive Committee Meeting9 Contingency Management
LIGO-G P Executive Committee Meeting10 Advanced R & D (end of May 2000)
LIGO-G P Executive Committee Meeting11 Operations 1999 (end of May 2000)
LIGO-G P Executive Committee Meeting12 Operations 2000 (end of May 2000)
LIGO-G P Executive Committee Meeting13 Issues for Project Management Work Breakdown Structure Maintaining Budget »Budget for Management purposes (not government payments) »Currently don’t match Cooperative Agreement Subcontracts Management »setting up subcontract extremely difficult Procurements processing and tracking »Time consuming »Difficult to correct data Invoice processing and tracking Extracting data for internal and external reporting