Průhonice, November 2002 Czech Experiences in Implementation of GP HESME Michael Vít Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic.


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Presentation transcript:

Průhonice, November 2002 Czech Experiences in Implementation of GP HESME Michael Vít Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic

Průhonice, November 2002 Czech Republic and GP HESME Third Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health, London June, 1999 Czech Republic Government Resolution No. 706/2000 adopted GPHESME document at the national level and assigned specific tasks to some ministries in order to meet the goals of the London Declaration and the HESME document

Průhonice, November 2002 Czech Republic and GP HESME (cont.) 1 st National Conference on GP HESME, Olomouc, September 2001 : Conclusions and recommendations were formulated as a prerequisites for practical implementation of GP HESME 2 nd National Conference on GP HESME, Prague, September, 2002: was focused on specific topics like strategy of workplace health promotion, education and training, the role of trade unions and occupational health services

Průhonice, November st National Conference on GP HESME, Olomouc, 2001 The conclusions and recommendations:  Persuade institutions in charge of public health, environment protection, health and safety at work, to support any new strategies,  Facilitate a joint approach in support of the application of this strategy in enterprises and to apply HESME criteria and indicators,  Facilitate the establishment of an inter-agency educational and instructional programme, in order to assist individual subjects in the implementation of the new health and safety at work strategy,

Průhonice, November st National Conference on GP HESME, Olomouc, 2001 The conclusions and recommendations (cont.): Facilitate the establishment of a comprehensive and coordinated system involving organizations of employers, trade unions, health insurers and the State in order to guarantee optimum fund spending;  Facilitate the emergence and development of criteria and indicators measuring the performance of health, environment and safety management and thus allowing to monitor progress,

Průhonice, November 2002 Development of HESME Plan of Action Usage of experiences with NEHAP implementation  assessment and management of the working environment  monitoring of its impact on human health  management of detected risk factors  promotion of the solidarity and partnership  promotion of cross-sectoral approach  integration of principles of sustainable development into all activities at the enterprise level

Průhonice, November 2002 Criteria, Targets and Indicators Occupational Health and Safety System Ratification of ILO conventions ( % of the conventions) Human resources in labour safety inspections ( Inspectors/1000 employed) Human resources in labour safety at workplaces (safety representatives and safety managers/1000 employed) Human resources in occupational health services ( physicians and nurses/1000 employed) Coverage of occupational health services (% of the employed)

Průhonice, November 2002 Criteria, Targets and Indicators Working Conditions High-level noise (% of employed) Handling dangerous substances (% of employed) Asbestos consumption (kg/capita/y) Pesticide consumption (kg/agricultural worker/y) Heavy loads (% of employed) Working at very high speed (% of employed) Working at least 50h/week (% of employed)

Průhonice, November 2002 Criteria, Targets and Indicators Occupational Health and Safety Outcomes Fatal work accidents (/ employed) Work accidents (/1000 employed) Occupational diseases ( /1000 employees) Perceived work ability (O-10 scale)

Průhonice, November 2002 Criteria, Targets and Indicators Indicators Related to General Environment Total energy use Energy use per unit of production or per unit of total gross income Total water use Total wastes volume generated ( reused, recycled, incinerated, dumped) Solid wastes generation (tons) Hazardous wastes generation (tons) Emission to air Discharged to water

Průhonice, November 2002 Indicators based on social, economic and health interrelationships Disability free life expectancy of working population at age 20, 45 and 65 years in by gender, occupation, industrial sector, Company absenteeism rate Rate of early retirement Sickness absence at work due to total work-related injuries (occupational accidents ) expressed in lost working years per employees Sickness absence at work due to total work-related disease expressed in lost working years per employees Costs of accidents and diseases at work as a percentage of GDP

Průhonice, November 2002 Intersectoral Commission for OH&S - members representatives of individual sectors, employers, employees, trade unions and other stakeholders.

Průhonice, November 2002 Intersectoral Commission for OH&S – the main tasks to prepare the document „The Principles of National Policy in OH&S“ to plan and organize cross-sectoral workshops to analyze the effectiveness of existing policies to implement internationally recognized criteria and indicators for assessment of the performance of HESME to involve businesses and insurance institutions in development and implementation of environment and health policy

Průhonice, November 2002 Intersectoral Commission for OH&S – the main tasks(cont.) to evaluate the quality and effectiveness of multidisciplinary services for OH  S to collect and disseminate examples of GP in HESME to organize training and education in principles and practical implementation of HESME to initiate networking benchmarking in HESME performance between enterprises, municipalities or rural areas

Průhonice, November 2002 Tasks of Ministry of Health and Other Public Health Authorities in Promotion of GP HESME assessing and guiding the continuous improvement of health services for the working communities initiating in collaboration with other sectors the surveys and studies design to assess the impact of working environment and various economic policies on health of workers and the general population

Průhonice, November 2002 Recommendations Czech proposal Participating countries agree: to develop HESME Plan of Action which will integrate environment and health concerns on reciprocal basis into national policies and plans of health, labour, economic and environmental sectors including legislation and finance. to implement Plan of Action through activities at subnational, national and international levels in coordination with other national action plans. to cooperate in development of the comprehensive, easily accessible communication network and public information strategies.

Průhonice, November 2002 Recommendations(cont.) Czech proposal Participating countries agree: to carry out economic analysis to help HESME meet its commitments  to invite health and social insurers to invest in the health and environment protection and promotion at work.  to ask WHO, EU and other international organizations for assistance and support in implementation of principles of GP HESME in candidate countries

Průhonice, November 2002 Conclusions Czech proposal Participating countries agree: to share knowledge and experiences among Candidate Countries in implementation of cross-sectoral approaches in public health policy to review the role of a work place as a setting for protecting and promoting health to review pros and contras for having of cross-sectoral policy, to develop the procedures and methods for workplace health impact assessment as a tool for cross-sectoral working

Průhonice, November 2002 Conclusions (cont.) Czech proposal Participating countries agree: to develop the network of intersectoral collaboration (particularly health, environment, labour sectors) to achieve common goals in sustainable development to encourage and support the scientific research on the impact of the workplace health management on health of the working community and population at large. to support development and improve the quality of Occupational Health Services (OHSs)