SAP2000 Title Three Dimensional Static and Dynamic Finite Element Analysis and Design of Structures
SAP2000 V8 – Non Linear A Comprehensive Software for the Finite Element Modeling, Static, Dynamic and Non-Linear Analysis and Design of Structures
Key Features Introduction Powerful and Integrated Structural Analysis and Design Software Fully Interactive Graphical Interface for quickly creating models Frame, Shell, Solid and Non-linear Link Elements
Key Features Introduction Extensive Analysis Options including Linear-Static, Linear-Dynamic, Nonlinear-Dynamic Automated design of Concrete and Steel Members to various International Codes Fully formatted, customized reporting DXF Import and Export Link to AutoCAD
Powerful Modeling Capabilities Interactive Modeling
Work on Multiple View Interactive Modeling Generate complex 3D models using plan, elevation and developed views
Parametric Structures Interactive Modeling Use templates and parametric structures to quickly generate typical models
Powerful Editing Tools Interactive Modeling Use quick draw to create elements easily Duplicate and generate elements with move, merge, mirror and replicate
Powerful Editing Tools Interactive Modeling Convenient dividing and meshing of elements
Powerful Editing Tools Interactive Modeling Powerful grouping, selection and display tools On screen assignment of properties, loading and supports Actual section view Copy/ Paste to and from spread sheets Unlimited levels of undo and redo
Convenient Viewing Options Interactive Modeling Multiple orthographic and perspective views Zooming and panning Standard viewing angles User defined and named views
Guides and Grids Interactive Modeling Accurate dimensioning with guidelines and snapping Multiple rectangular and cylindrical coordinate systems with flexible grid systems
Feedback and Information Interactive Modeling Right button click for instantaneous information on selected objects and elements
Powerful Frame Elements Simple Frame Elements for Beam, Column Truss, Bracing, etc. Non-Linear Link Element for Hook, Gap, Damper Base Isolators Friction Plastic Hinge Element
Frame Element Cross-sections Elements Automatic section property calculation for standard shapes Built-in steel sections for several Standards including AISC, CISC, BS etc.
Linked to “CSI Section Designer” Frame Elements CSI Section Designer: A highly interactive and comprehensive software for building structural shapes and sections in concrete, steel or composite materials for Frame elements Built-up Steel Composite Sections Reinforced Concrete Simple Steel
Non-prismatic Frame Elements Multiple non-prismatic segments over element length to model beams of variable sections
Rigid End Offsets Frame Elements Rigid End connections to model large joints Automated end offset evaluation and assignment
End Releases Frame Elements Easily model non-fixed connections by general “End-Release” Axial Shear Torsion Moment
Load Options for Frame Elements Gravity Load Point Load Uniform Load Trapezoidal Load Prestress Temperature Variation Loads applied in any direction and axis
Temperature Gradient Frame Elements Applied to Element Section in any direction Applied to Nodes and Groups
Handle Prestress Cables Frame Elements Load due to Prestress can be applied to Frame Elements as Cables in Patterns and Load Cases
Non-Linear Link Element Frame Elements For use with the dynamic time history analysis option Link may be placed between any two joints or from joint to ground Viscous damper with nonlinear exponent on velocity Gap (compression only) Hook (tension only)
Non-Linear Link Element Frame Elements Uniaxial plasticity (all 6 degrees of freedom) Base isolator with biaxial plasticity behavior Base isolator with friction and/or pendulum behavior AVI file option for creating real time displays of nonlinear deformation behavior
Non-Linear Link Element Frame Elements Force versus deformation plots of nonlinear systems for energy dissipation studies
Plastic Hinge Element Used as Spring, Link, Panel zone or inside Frame Elements Axial, flexural, shear and torsional behavior Axial-load/ biaxial-moment interaction Multilinear behavior including softening Tabulated and Graphical display of hinge status
Powerful Shell Elements General quadrilateral or triangular element Isotropic, Orthotropic and Anisotropy material
Powerful Shell Elements Six degrees of freedom per joint Shell, plate or membrane action Thick shell option
Powerful Shell Elements Gravity and uniform loading Pressure loading Temperature and thermal gradient loading
Solid Elements Solid Elements Three dimensional 8 node brick element Anistropic material Gravity, thermal, surface pressure and pressure gradient loading
Joint Restraints Supports & Restraints General Spring Connection Global and skewed springs Coupled 6x6 user-defined spring stiffness option (for foundation modeling)
Joint Constraints Supports & Restraints Generalized joint constraint options including rigid bodies, diaphragms, rods and welds Weld Rod Diaphragm
Joint Loads and Displacements Supports & Restraints Applied force and applied displacements Inclined Supports and joint local coordinates
Extensive Analysis Capabilities Options Static and/or dynamic response spectrum analysis P-delta analysis with either static or dynamic analysis Blocked active column equation solver Automated fast profile optimization Non-linear Pushover Analysis
General Dynamic Analysis Options Eigenvalue analysis with an accelerated subspace iteration algorithm Ritz analysis for fast predominant mode evaluation Harmonic Steady-State Analysis
Time History Analysis Analysis Options Ground acceleration and Multiple base excitation Sequential history cases Time history Windows AVI file Results can be combined with other loads for enveloping or step by step steel and concrete design
Time History Analysis Analysis Options Graphic displays of nodal and element time history records Functions vs time or function vs function displays Generation of response spectrum curves for any joint acceleration component
Response Spectrum Analysis Options Multiple response spectrum cases in a single run Modal combinations by the SRSS, the CQC or the GMC (Gupta) method Directional combinations by the ABS or the SRSS method
Bridge Analysis Bridge Analysis Moving load analysis Generation of influence lines and forces envelopes AASHTO vehicle loads User-defined truck, lane and train loads
Bridge Analysis Bridge Analysis Determination of maximum and minimum displacement and reactions Capable of handing complex lane geometries
Bridge Analysis Bridge Analysis Automatically calculates all possible permutations of traffic loads Provides correspondence between response components Results can be combined with other loads for enveloping or corresponding component for steel and concrete design
Result Viewing Capability Viewing Results 3D perspective graphical displays of un-deformed and deformed structural geometries Static deformed shapes and mode shapes Static and dynamic load combinations and envelopes
Result Viewing Capability Viewing Results View Loading diagrams Bending moment and shear force diagrams Stress contours
Result Viewing Capability Viewing Results Animation of deformed shapes and mode shapes Animated stress contours
Result Viewing Capability Viewing Results Instantaneous graphical and tabulated output details for specific joint or element with right button click Multiple windows displaying different parameters
Member Design Member Design Fully interactive and graphical steel and concrete frame member design Design for static and dynamic loads Member-grouping for design envelops Ductile and non-ductile design
Design Output Member Design Detailed on-screen design information with right button click
Design of Concrete Members Support ACI, AASHTO, British, Canada, New Zealand and Eurocode2 Biaxial moment-axial load column interaction diagrams
Design of Steel Members Support AISC (ASD and LRFD), AASHTO, British, Canada, New Zealand and Eurocode3 Steel member selection and optimization
SAP200-DXF-AutoCAD Cycle New Tools SAP 2000 Structure Database DXF File AutoCAD etc DXF Converter-Out (Display geometry, select view, Select drawing options, Convert to DXF, Save as Meta files) SAP Objects DXF Converter-In * (Display DXF content, Select options, Convert to SAP, Save in MDB) Final DXF File AutoCAD etc AutoCAD etc DXF File (Template)
Transfer Model To AutoCAD New Tools Complete control of the elements and attributes to be transferred Generate wire-frame or full solid models
Get Model From AutoCAD New Tools
SAPReporter New Tools Create fully customized and formatted reports for selected items including text, tables and graphics. Output can be Previewed on screen Printed on paper Saved in RTF files Saved in HTML format for viewing in web browsers.
SAP2000 V8 – Non Linear A Comprehensive Software for the Finite Element Modeling, Static, Dynamic and Non-Linear Analysis and Design of Structures