McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2007 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Chapter 4 PERCEPTIONS ABOUT RISK AND RETURN Behavioral Corporate Finance by Hersh Shefrin
1 Representativeness Risk and Return In practice, managers appear to rely on representativeness when forming judgments about risk and return. They are prone to view the stocks of good companies as representative of good stocks. As a result, they come to judge that risk and return are negatively related.
2 Unisys and Intel Comparative Data Unisys just reported a decline in sales, year- over-year. Analysts were predicting that Intel sales would grow by 10%.
3 Rate Intel and Unisys Quality of company Financial soundness Long-term investment value Expected return over next 12 months Perceived risk Intel is a better company than Unisys. Past 5 year sales Market cap Retained earnings component of book equity Similarly Intel does better on the other variables.
4 Risk and Return Managers who rely on representativeness judge Intel stock to be a better stock than Unisys stock. Managers who rely on representativeness view the stocks of financially sound companies as safe stocks, and the stocks of companies that are not financially sound as risky stocks. Managers who rely on representativeness view Intel as a safer stock than Unisys.
5 Perceived Relationship Between Risk and Return Traditional finance teaches that risk and return are positively related, that higher expected returns are associated with higher risk. Representativeness induces managers to view the relationship as going the other way. Exhibit 4-2 Scatter plot displaying assessments of investment professionals.
6 Affect Heuristic Reinforces Representativeness People assign affective labels or tags to images, objects, and concepts. Imagery is important, e.g. adding “” to name of firm in second half of 1990s. The affect heuristic is a mental shortcut that people use to search for benefits and avoid risks. Benefits are associated with positive affect, whereas risks are associated with negative affect.
7 Perceived Risk and Firm Characteristics Executives associate low book-to-market equity and high market capitalization to both good stocks and good companies. Executives view stocks associated with low betas, large market capitalization, and low book-to-market equity to be less risky than stocks associated with high betas, small market capitalization and high book-to-market equity.
8 Analysts Unlike executives, analysts treat the relationship between beta and expected return as being positive. Holding beta constant, analysts expect smaller capitalization stocks to earn higher returns than larger capitalization stocks. Analysts expect growth stocks to earn higher returns than value stocks. Analyst target prices are excessively optimistic.
9 Financial Executives and the Market Premium Financial executives appear to believe that at the level of the market, expected returns and risk are negatively related. The higher the market return has been in the prior quarter, the higher their forecasts of the equity premium over the subsequent year. The higher the market return has been in the prior quarter, the lower are their forecasts of market volatility over the subsequent year.
10 S&P 500 Rolling Dice? Is the market hotter if it's recently been hot? Is the market colder if it's recently been cold? Based on data going back to 1926 when the S&P 500 index was formulated, the probability of an up-year is about 2/3. The probability is about the same after up- years as after down-years. It's almost like rolling dice.
11 Two Fallacies Individual investors exhibit the hot hand fallacy. Investment professionals exhibit gambler's fallacy.
12 Wall Street Analysts and Executives For individual stocks, analysts believe in short-term reversals, not momentum. Given the evidence for momentum, analysts appear to exhibit gambler's fallacy. Executives engaging in legal insider trading exhibit gambler's fallacy. This leads them to sell growth stocks and buy or hold value stocks.
13 Project Discount Rates In theory, managers discount project cash flows at a rate that reflects the systematic risk of those flows. If those flows comprise a series of components, all featuring different levels of risk, then in theory managers should discount each component separately, using its own discount rate. Survey evidence from FEI indicates that in practice, most managers use a “one size fits all” heuristic.
14 Debiasing Carefully identify both the base rate information and the singular information. Use statistical forecasting techniques, and contrast the outcomes with forecasts based on intuitive judgments. Based on the contrast, ascertain whether the intuitive judgments fail to make appropriate use of either base rate information or singular information.