Add 1 to 2 digit numbers Add & balance equations Addition expression from pictures Ways to make numbers Add 2 digit numbers
Rose =
= Bronze medal
= Silver medal
= Gold medal
= Rose
= Bronze medal
= Silver medal
= Gold medal
2 + __ = Rose
3 + 2 = __ + 6 Bronze medal
9 = __ Silver medal
9 + 1 = 7 + __ Gold medal
Rose Write the expression for the illustration.
Write the expression for the illustration. Bronze medal
Write the expression for the illustration. Silver medal
Write the expression for the illustration. Gold medal
Say any addition expression that can make the number below. Rose
Say any addition expression that can make the number below. Bronze medal
Say any addition expression that can make the number below. Silver medal
Say any addition expression that can make the number below. Gold medal