Lights on at 11:23 DMPS is not reading the 3025 on the short DMA
The bag is really dirty nucleation started within 10 min and number is up to 35000p/cc already
A bit more than 2 hours after lights on
3 hours of lights on
Total mass>70 nm is larger than the total mass!!!!! A massive sudden drop in the dmps mass was observed. I checked the system and found That the long DMA’s cpc ran out of butanol. Filled it up. Mass is still not back to previous Value and the total mass above 70nm is greater than the total mass!!!
Red line: total mass Blue line: total mass > 70nm!!!!
DMPS problem still on.. Mass at least 1.5ugm-3
Last scan lights off at 16:56
Post-exp complete O3 = 2440