“Mamie” Liverpool
Notre Dame Convent School, Everton Valley, Liverpool Liverpool University -graduated with honors in 1929 and awarded Isaac Roberts Research Scholarship in Biology Ph. D. in 1932 D.Sc in 1950
Algologist at Port Erin Marine Station Co-authored first book in 1931 with Margery Knight, Many Algae.
Substitute for agar from red seaweeds, Chondrus and Gigartina. Alginate from larger brown algae.
Botanist at the Plymouth Laboratory in Primary work on flagellates.
Early 1950’s with Professor Irene Manton, 3 new genera and 16 new species were described in joint publications and further new species with other associated workers
Showed that Crystallolithus hyalinus and Coccolithus pelagicus were different phases of same life cycle. Studies of related genera Pachysphaera and Pterosperma showed flagellate-stage in their life history.
Defined “phycoma” for spherical non- motile stage to separate from flagellate- stage. Lead to studies on Prasinophyceae.
1952: Flora of Devon Part II (I) Marine Algae 1953: “A Preliminary Checklist of British Marine Algae” 1964: With P.S. Dixon “Revised Checklist : Revised 1976: Third revision became citation classic.
Founder member of the British Phycological Society, council many years. President 1959 and Set-up Seaweeds of the British Isles British Phycological Journal 1965 to first printed commercially. Member of International Phycological Society and most national societies.
Corresponding member of the Royal Botanical Society of Netherlands in Member of Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters in Fellow of Royal Society of London in Awarded honorary D.Sc. By Liverpool University. Died 3 years after.