1 INTERNATIONAL EXAMS Pertemuan 26 Matakuliah: >/ > Tahun: >
2 BRITISH-BASED EXAMS ( Oxford and Cambridge Exams ) Cambridge (UCLES)Oxford AdvancedProficiency( CPE ) Post intermediateAdvanced (CAE )Higher certificate Upper intermediateFirst Certificate (FCE) Mid intermediatePreliminary English TestPreliminary certificate Low intermediateKey English Test Elementary Beginner
3 II. US-BASED EXAM An example is TOEFL, which is geared towards testing English level prior to entering an American university. Considering the amount of paper / pages of the test, the sample of the test will be given in hard copies. Ss may also see and practice from the course book for practising TOEFL, FCE, CAE, etc. The books can be obtained in good book stores as well.