European Teacher Professional Development for Science Education in a Web-based Environment (EuSTD-web) (Project nº. 129455-CP-1-2006-1-PT- COMENIUS-C21)


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Presentation transcript:

European Teacher Professional Development for Science Education in a Web-based Environment (EuSTD-web) (Project nº CP PT- COMENIUS-C21) 5th General Meeting Helsinki (Finland) Masaryk University, Brno (CZECH REPUBLIC) Faculty of Education, Department of Physics Webpage:

Progress Report Modules Transformation and Implementation Name of the module: Cognitive Motivation in Science Education Period spent to transform to an e-environment: Feb 2007 – Feb 2008 (first version for piloting); May Dec 2008 (corrections and up-grading) Overview of the e-module: The module consists of 12 sessions; tests, books, lessons, sessions, glossary; English and Czech language (Czech version is now under construction for accreditation and compatibility with university software system); accreditation is not done yet (we will prepare it on 2009).

Progress Report Modules Transformation and Implementation Implementation: Three pre-piloting sessions with 6 participants – expert-teachers (spring 2008); 20 participants - in-service teachers (autumn 2008); we collect examples of good experiences for presentation these parts of e-portfolios in faculty project web-pages. Future work: Continuous up-grading of e-module; implementation of final complete e-module course into regular University teacher training courses and opened free to long- life in-service teacher training in the Czech Republic (from academic year 2009/2010); dissemination of EUSTD project by presentation on national conference in Srni (spring 2009), paper in national journal “Matematika-fyzika-informatika” (spring 2009) and international journal Hands-on science (Portugal, Braga) (summer 2009) (

Progress Report Dissemination Address: Faculty of Educ., Masaryk University, Brno: Josef Trna: Gymnazium Boskovice, sec. school: Eva Trnova: Publications: GIREP 2008, internation. conference, Nicosia, Cyprus: GIREP 2008, internation. conference, Nicosia, Cyprus: Poster and abstracts in conference proceedings: TRNA, J., TRNOVÁ, E. Development of experimental skills in physics education. In GIREP 2008, International conference. Physics Curriculum Design, Development and Validation p.85. ISBN TRNA, JTRNOVÁ, E TRNA, J. Didactic path in video program: "Heat Engines". In GIREP 2008, International conference. Physics Curriculum Design, Development and Validation p. 85. ISBN TRNA, J

Progress Report Dissemination HSci 2008, internation. conference, Recife, Brazil: Poster and abstract in conference proceedings: TRNA, J., TRNOVA, E., VACULOVA,I. Role of Hands-on Activity in Development of Students´ Skills in Science Education. In HSci2008. Formal and Informal Science Education p ISBN TRNA, JTRNOVA, EVACULOVA,I. Workshops and abstract in conference proceedings: TRNA, J. Cognitive Motivational Teaching Techniques in Science. In HSci2008. Formal and Informal Science Education p ISBN Posters and workshop presented contents of our e-module of EUSTD-web project.TRNA, J Participants were very interested of e-learning form of EUSTD-web project. We have the promise from GIREP and HSci organizations to disseminate our project by linking our project web pages on official web pages of these organizations.

Progress Report Examples of Portfolios MTT_Problems and projects Hungry hippo MTT_Problems and projects Strange cylinder MTT_Simple experiments Coin and glass MTT_Tricks and magic Magic smoke

Progress Report Level 3: Action Research Meeting in Aveiro: Eva+Arminda; Josef+Luis 1. Provide a face to face relationship for a better knowledge of each teachers involved in the project. Facilitate the future collaboration between both teachers To raise and to understand the expectations about the implications and the advantages in terms to personal and professional development as well as difficulties in developing an online partnership study

Progress Report Level 3: Action Research Meeting in Aveiro: Eva+Arminda; Josef+Luis 2. Providing the sharing of experience and materials developed by teachers in their respective educational systems. Deepen knowledge about Portuguese and Czech Education Systems, particularly related to: program/syllabus of biology, secondary curriculum, timetable for the discipline, and teaching practices. Share views about science curriculum classes Improve the concept of “supervision” by both teachers. In depth the concept of self and peer supervision. Improve the views about the cycle of action-research.

Progress Report Level 3: Action Research Meeting in Aveiro: Eva+Arminda; Josef+Luis 3. Timing and definition of activities to be undertaken by teachers involved. Reflecting on: type of activities/materials to prepare for implementation in the classroom context, timetable for the application of those materials; selection of laboratory activities to be implemented in the classroom; suggestions for the implementation of a pre test (diagnostic activity), before starting to apply the unity theme in the classes of both teachers, and a post test (test pilot) to be implemented at the end of the implementation. examples of instruments to be used for the student’s assessment: observation, questionnaires, report of an activity, conceptual maps; etc…; strategies to be used in order to promote interactions among students ( , blogging, "videoconferencing",...) and the advantages of such interaction to be made a month before, so they can start creating empathy by each others and also practicing ICT tools.

Thank you for your attention. Eva + Josef Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic