Bill Pugh NSF (Jan - Jun 2011) Univ. Of Maryland Google NSF Broader Impact
Nothing official Nothing has been decided or announced about how NSF will implement provisions of the America Competes Act I don't speak for NSF Lots of people have used this as an opportunity to encourage and discuss broader impact and outreach, and advocate for their vision of broader impact Broader impact and outreach is a good thing
Broader Impact at NSF current status Proposals are evaluated in terms of intellectual merit and broader impact Proposals with weak intellectually merit, as evaluated by panel, don't get funded Proposals get returned without review if they don't explicitly mention broader impact Broader impact can make a difference in ranking competitive proposals near the funding cutoff
How much of a difference? Fund rate is perhaps 20-25% In panel with 30 proposals, might fund 6-8 proposals Might be 1-3 proposals nearly tied for intellectual merit Strong broader impact might move you to the top of that group
Broader Impact via research Almost anyone publishing at ICSE can claim to have broader impact via their research (1) Increased economic competitiveness of the United States (8) Increased national security Can improve impact by plans to make artifacts produced via research publicly available software, data sets Also helpful to discuss measures to ensure real world relevance
Outreach broader impact Lots of ways to have broader impact via outreach of many kinds Many people assume that new NSF rules will allow for broader impact sidecars
Broader impact side cars Broader impact effort not connected to proposal research Doesn't need to be original or innovative; being successful is also important Can be participation in existing departmental or campus program Can allocate funds for outreach activities and/or evaluation
Broader impact side cars I expect that if new rules allow for BI sidecars, most proposals in software engineering won't have them But some PI's are very enthusiastic and motivated to do outreach activities This will provide them with opportunities put that energy and ideas into their NSF proposals and be rewarded for it
Volunteer to serve on an NSF panel Program managers are always gets looking for people to serve on panels Particularly need help identifying nand faculty and postdocs Great way to serve the community, learn how the process works, and perhaps influence the work that gets funded For software engineering, contact Sol Greenspan I'll be gone by the end of June