° Hale Tharp was the first white man who arrived in the giant forest ° his guides were indian friends ° he lived in a concaved sequoia ° the naturalist John Muir visited him and called the forest „ Giant Forest“ ° in the park exist a lot of diffrent plants and animals ° the park is famous for the sequoias ° a sequoia can be 80 m high and the diameter can be 11m ° sequoias are able to be 3200 years old ° the park is visited by 1,5 million people every year ° Sequoia National Park
DEATH VALLEY ° death valley natinal park is situated in the mojave-desert ° it‘s the driest national park in the USA ° interesting places are: badwater, salt creek and ubehebe crater etc. ° badwater: the lowest place in the USA ° salt creek:a place which is constant flooded and the water evaporates and leaves salt ° ubehebe crater : a volcanic crater which is 230 m deep and years old
Lake Tahoe ° a lake of the borderline between nevada and california ° it‘s 497 squarekilometres big ° found on the map in the east portion of sierra nevada ° it‘s 501 meters deep ° the lake is dewater by the truckee river ° as a natural lake it was transformed by a project called Truckee-Carson Irrigation District (TCID) in a dam ° legends tell that there lives a seamonster
Yosemite N.P. ° National Park near San Fransisco ° since 1984 Yosemite is one of the Unesco-World natural heritages ° you can see there granitic rocks, waterfalls, streams, sequoias and glaicers ° first indians lived in Yosemite N.P. until more and more white men came because of the gold rush ° step by step the N.P. was explored ° the most popular place in the Yosemite N.P. is called Yosemite Valley in which there is „ Le Capitan“ a big granitic rock
The End