CHORUS Collaboration Meeting, Ishigaki, Japan/ April 2003 MC productions and data/MC JETTA and specific generators Eficass and CHANT Data/MC comparison for emulsion events Summary and plans Ilya Tsukerman/ CERN-EP and ITEP Moscow (presented by J. Panman)
JETTA and specific generators WHINTER: non-official large production done CC, NC and charm events were simulated and reconstructed ASTRA: non-official large production done D s and D s * events were simulated and reconstructed QEGEN: small technical bug fixed by F. Di Capua Official production files were not affected. MCDIS: tests well advanced, ported to CVS JETTA improvements: -- June 2003 Details: IT talk at Feb emulsion workshop
Eficass and CHANT New CHANT summ (setup4, all events,20 loops) -- done See plots and tables for data/MC comparison New CHANT DST/summ (the same) -- In progress CHANT ; SUMM with FUJI for Netscan simulation CHANT (setup3, all, 20 loops) -- In progress Eficass (setup4, CC DIS, 120 loops) -- June 2003 CHANT (setup4, CC DIS, 120 loops) -- July 2003
Existing simulated DIS events
Existing simulated QE events
Fraction of 1 events
Energy measured in CALO
Leading muon momentum
Leading muon angle w.r.t. direction
Primary vertex Y position
Primary vertex Z position
Summary and plans WHINTER and ASTRA: full production done New SUMM created, data/MC well advanced DATA/MC in general agree well; just a few problems CHANT setup3, new DST for setup4: running SUMM will have FUJI, needed for Netscan CHANT: 120 loops for CC setup4 -- July 03