The Role of Women in Development
Capitalism and women What is Capitalism’s effect on the role of women in the world? lose control of the means of production – (ex: wage laborers) Undermines large, extended family groups – now nuclear families – release men of ties to extended family – Patrilocality of the workforce – Single parent household – Movement of industry to the periphery Structural adjustment programs removing state support for social programs disproportionately affect women.
What is gender and what does it define? Culturally defined role in a society Defines: – Power – Social role – Economic role – Political role – Labor
How does gender affect women’s health? Little control over reproduction – selective abortions / infanticide Less food – malnutrition Less health care Lack of safe sex – Low contraception use Domestic violence
Gender inequality and poverty closely linked Women traditionally more impoverished Women traditionally more impoverished both developing & developed countries both developing & developed countries Women lack control over resources – physical & sexual abuse – limited medical care – high fertility high maternal & infant death rates – poor nutrition – poor health – abandonment Feminization of Poverty
How do you solve problems related to issues of gender inequality and poverty Empowerment of women – powerless gain greater control over: – resources – self-confidence – decision making on equal basis with men Where do women have power?
How do you empower women? Education – “Educate a man and you educate an individual, educate a woman and you educate generations” Reproductive Rights Changing family dynamics – Smaller families, share responsibility Equal participation in politics Employment/business – grant loans to poor women income, status, decision-making, skills, self-confidence