Online Courses for Teachers and Students in Asian Studies September 28, 2007 iEARN: International Education and Resource Network
iEARN Online Course Experience Since 2002 We conduct 13 online courses twice a year Courses focus on how to integrate online collaborative project-based learning into social studies, science, creative arts, writing, language classes, digital video, trauma in the classroom, ThinkQuest We specialize in learning WITH Asia and not just ABOUT Asia Received awards for how these courses have internationalized classrooms and curricula in a number of states/cities. Based on authentic communications between students and teachers in over 25,000 member schools in 120 countries
Partnering with State Education Depts iEARN Online Courses are certified for prof. development credits or salary enhancements by Depts of Education in: Delaware New Jersey Ohio Rhode Island New York City California Illinois Washington State Idaho
Six Lessons Learned - Keys to Success Over past five years, iEARN has learned that online courses should: 1.Have clear course goals, objectives and processes 2.Make content lively to accommodate different learning styles -- images, video, sound, text, readings 3.Don’t just talk collaboration and communication among course participants. Make them a part of the course. Have a group activity (mid- course), that is graded based on participation. Interaction among participants is critically important. Students can’t hide in an online course.
Six Lessons Learned - Keys to Success Over the past five years, iEARN has learned that online courses should: 4. Have flexible, available, encouraging and knowledgeable online facilitators (we have 2 per course in different parts of the world) 5. Use tools that teachers will be able to work with 6.Don’t make the course too long! We have had most success with courses that are nine weeks. And, of course, if you’re looking for international participants, keep in mind different education school system schedules
We keep in mind….. No one knows so much that they cannot learn something from another No one knows so little that they cannot teach something to another In courses, develop techniques and use social networking tools to draw out experiences and perspectives of the participants.
iEARN-USA: iEARN Online Courses: Riverside Drive New York, NY 10115